“Till the very end, Brynn... Till the very end.”
Three years later
“Have I told you how happy I am that you’re joining Wren’s practice, Kenz?” I ask as I shove the heel of my palm into the foot my son is currently kicking me with. Deacon likes to joke that when our son is born, he’s going to be a hockey player, but I don’t know. The way this kid is kicking me, I’m thinking I may have a future MMA champion on my hands.
She leans her head back against her beach chair and looks at me through giant sunglasses. “It feels so good to be done with my residency. I just want to feel like I’m finally starting my life instead of watching it pass me by.”
“Well, I’m glad you’re taking a month down here before you start working. You deserve a break, Kenz.” Lindy pushes her sunglasses up on top of her head and smiles out at Griffin, who’s jumping waves in the ocean, while Easton holds their baby girl curled up like a ball against his chest, her giant white sun hat shading her sleeping face. “I swear I’m not saying this on purpose, but seriously I can’t look at my husband holding our daughter without getting all sorts of turned-on.”
“Oh. My. God. Madeline. What is wrong with you?” Kenzie practically shouts at Lindy, and all the guys in the ocean turn to stare at us.
“Once we get you properly dicked, you’ll understand, Kenz,” Lindy assures her, and I want to die on Kenzie’s behalf.
Gracie walks our way with Molly holding her hand. “What the heck are you guys yelling about?” she asks as she adjusts Molly’s long-sleeved rash guard.
“Cover your ears, Molly, honey,” Lindy tells her, then smiles at Gracie, who shakes her head before Lindy even speaks.
“Lindy, don’t?—”
“We were talking about getting Kenzie some good dick, now that she’s got some time on her hands.”
“Oh lord. You went there.” Grace squats down in front of her daughter. “What did I tell you about repeating things you hear?”
“Not to,” Molly’s sweet voice repeats, proud of herself and her answer. She high-fives her mom.
“Good job, baby. Never repeat anything you hear your aunts say.” She swats Molly’s butt. “Now go play on the blanket. I’ll be there in a minute.”
Gracie watches Molly run to the blanket where Kennedy is reading Little Women for the hundredth time, and Everly and Tennyson are napping, then she sits in the empty chair next to me and leans forward to look down the line at Kenzie. “Are we talking about one dick in particular, or will any dick do? Because there’s this single dad who brings his daughter to Molly’s baby ballerina class, and he’s hot. And his hands are huge.”
I push my sunglasses up on top of my head and watch my husband body surf with Jace’s twins. “I bet his hands aren’t as big as Deacon’s.”
“Dude, Deacon’s hands are huge. But we’re not talking about your husband’s porn-star dick,” Lindy laughs.
“Umm, I’d rather hear about how hung he is. At least he’s not my brother.” Kenzie grabs Lindy’s sunglasses off her head and tosses them in the waves as they pull back into the ocean.
“You did not,” Lindy gasps, and the rest of us laugh.
“Fuck his brains out, Lindy. But for God’s sake, stop telling me,” Kenzie half laughs, half pleads while the rest of us practically roll out of our seats, dying from laughter. Finally, when we can all breathe again, Kenzie sticks her feet in the water and lays her seat all the way back. “I missed you bitches like I’d miss a limb, you know that, right?”
“It’s good to have you home, Mackenzie,” Lindy tells her as she squeezes her hand.
“Love you, ladies,” I add to our little lovefest. A sniffle comes from Gracie’s chair. “Are you crying?”
“Ignore me,” she cries, and Kenzie kicks her feet in the water in front of her.
“You’re pregnant?” Kenzie cries out, and all the men in the ocean turn again, this time to see which of their wives just got called out.
Only Ares is smiling from ear to ear.
Gracie nods her head super dramatically.
Oh no . . .
“I saw Wren last week.”