Page 67 of The Sweet Spot

“I may need you there to hold Dad back. I think he’s going to react worse than Mom.” I wipe my face and square my shoulders. “So, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go find Deacon and beg him to forgive me.”

Killian sidesteps me, stopping me from passing by. “Does that mean you you’re going to take the test?”

I stop and look at my little brother, and my heart breaks all over again. “I’m scared, Killian. I’m scared I’m going to take the test and it’ll come back positive. If I don’t know, I can act like it doesn’t matter.” My heart shatters into a million tiny pieces as I put words to my greatest fear.

He drags his thumb over my cheek, wiping away my tears. “But it does matter. You matter, and you’re putting yourself and everyone who loves you through hell, Brynn.”

“I’m sorry I’m hurting you, Kill. But I owe the man who just walked through that door an explanation and a conversation before I can make any decision.”

He steps back with a nod. “Love you, Brynn.”

“Love you too, Kill. Make sure you fix my door before you go. And do you think you can take Winnie for the night? She’s hiding somewhere. I think we were too loud for her.”

“Yeah, I got her. You just go.”

“Thanks, little brother.” I grab my keys and purse and don’t bother looking in a mirror before I leave. I’ve wasted enough time not being completely honest with my husband, and it’s time I fixed that. I don’t need to go far to find him because as soon as I open my door, Deacon is sitting on the floor in my hallway.

“What are you doing here?” My nerves kick into overdrive as I slide down the wall next to him and kick my legs out in front of myself, mirroring him, though his legs just go a lot farther out than mine do.

“I’m not really angry, it’s easier to be mad than to admit I’m scared, so I left. But the second I was through the door, I was too damn far from you, Brynn. I figured I’d wait until your brother left so we could finish our conversation.” He looks tired, and I hate knowing I did that to him. “Did everything go okay with Killian?”

I run my teeth over my lips, stalling. “It went. He’s not thrilled with me, but he’ll get over it.”

“How are you feeling?” Deacon asks as he wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me against his side.

“You’re still here, so I’m better than I thought I was.” My heart cracks a little as I look at him. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. Telling you would have made it real, and I wasn’t ready to accept it could be real.”

“We deal with whatever the universe throws our way, Brynn. But I can’t help you if I don’t know. You can’t keep things from me.” He’s being more understanding than I deserve. But this man sees me in a way no one else ever has, so why should I be surprised? “I can’t force you to get the test, but I can hold your hand while you do it.”

“If it comes back positive, we can’t have kids, Deacon. That might not feel like a big deal now, but it might be in a few years,” I tell him, blinking back more tears.

“We already have a kid. I guess if you count Winnie, we’ve got two. And if it’s positive, we can adopt a whole hockey team if we want to. But I’m not worried about that. I’m worried about you. I want to give you the best life possible, and I want it to be the longest life possible. It might help if we know what we’re up against.”

“I don’t deserve you,” I press a gentle kiss to his lips. “Did you mean what you said in there?” I ask, needing to know the truth but then deciding I want him to hear it from me first. “Because I’m in love with you, Deacon. I know what I said last night, but I’m not falling. I’ve already fallen. I fell weeks ago. Looking back, I think I was in love with you before you ever even came back from Boston.”

He wraps a hand around my face and drags my forehead to his. “I’m so fucking in love with you, Brynlee St. James.”

“Oh, thank God,” I laugh lightly.

“I love your laugh and your smile and the way you drag your teeth over your bottom lip.” He runs his thumb over my lips and sends chills dancing over my skin.” I love the way you are with my kid. I love the way the world feels when you’re next to me. And I’ll love you through whatever else the world throws our way. Marry me.”

My smile is instant as I let his words wash over me, forever grateful for this man. “I already married you,” I whisper, and Deacon leans back slightly and pulls a teal ring box out of his pocket.

“Yeah. But you asked me last time. I needed to ask you this time.” He cracks open the box, and a beautiful, brilliant-cut diamond solitaire and matching eternity band sparkle against the white velvet lining.

“They’re beautiful, Deacon.”

He pulls both rings out and slides them on my finger, and there go those butterflies in my stomach again.

“You know, you didn’t have to get me rings to get me to tell my parents. I told Killian before I came out here I was going to talk to them. I just needed to make sure things were right with you first.” My stomach flips over how my parents will take this news, but Deacon deserves so much more than to be hidden.

“Baby, you’re already my wife, and that’s all that matters. But I want to do it right this time. I want you in a white dress, walking down an aisle, and I want Kennedy there to watch us. I want you to take my name, and I want to wake up with you in my bed every day. And if that starts with us talking to your parents, then let’s go talk to your parents.” His lips tilt down. “But I think it needs to start with you taking control of your future. We need to be able to make plans, Brynn. One way or the other.”

I’ve spent my summer trying to act like this test didn’t exist.

As if it wasn’t a big bad looming over my life.

I’ve given the test itself all the power, and as scary as it’s going to be, it’s time I take that power back.