Page 114 of Ruthless Reign

“Sergey, where the fuck have you been? We’re waiting on the tarmac for you.”

As soon as Anatoly’s nasally voice comes through the phone, rage erupts in my gut. I have to turn away, brace my hands on the windowsill, and focus on my breathing so I don’t lose control.

“Something came up,” Nikolai replies, mimicking Sergey’s clipped tone. “Roman Vasiliev and his men paid me an unexpected visit. I had to take care of them first."

There is a pause on the phone. “And?”

“All taken care of. You won't have to worry about Roman and his lieutenants anymore. Or my brother.” Nikolai smirks at the last bit.

“Good. Vasiliev got exactly what was coming for him. I hope you made his death slow and painful.”

An anguished cry spills from the other end of the line. It's Liza—I'm certain of it.

A bitter cocktail of hate simmers in my gut, and I'm on the verge of going apeshit when Pavel and Viktor flank me, making it clear that they won’t allow me to jeopardize our chances of finding her.

But damn, it hurts. She’s suffering because she thinks I’m gone, and there’s not a fucking thing I can do about it. I understand why Nikolai claimed that we're dead. If Anatoly believes I’m no longer a threat, he’ll let his guard down.

“I don’t have time to wait for you,” Anatoly snaps. “Charter a plane and meet us there.”

“I will.” Nikolai pauses. “Text me the details again. Been having some trouble with my phone.”

“Don't fuck this up, Sergey.” Anatoly’s voice drops low and creepy as hell. “Your teenage bride is looking forward to you breaking her in.”

“Can't wait.” Nikolai’s face contorts with disgust. “Guess I should pack my tux,” he hedges.

“I don't care what you wear, just that we’re united by the blood of these two sisters by the end of the day .”

My muscles coil; I'm itching to punch something or wreck a room—anything to ease the relentless tension within.

Pavel slips Nikolai a piece of paper, who reads it quickly and then says, “What about Maxim Belov? Will he be a problem for us?”

Anatoly snorts derisively. “His plane is still in the air. As soon as he lands in Moscow, my men will be lying in wait for him. No one on his plane will be getting off alive.”

“Good to hear it. See you soon.” Nikolai hangs up and gives me a penetrating look. “You heard the man. He's got big plans for today. How do you want to handle this?”

My back snaps into a straight line as I pace through the room.

I turn to Viktor. “Warn Maxim, and make sure our men handle Anatoly’s goons before Maxim’s plane lands.” He nods. “Savin will stay in Russia and coordinate everything here. The three of us will go after Anatoly. Any idea where the hell he's headed?”

Sergey’s phone dings with an incoming message. Nikolai swipes it open. After a minute, he announces, “Looks like we’re off to Santorini. Lovely place to ruin a wedding.”

My hands curl by my side. I can't wait to be the one to steal Anatoly’s final breath.

“Any chance you can organize a private plane from here in under an hour?”

We've asked a lot from Nikolai already, but he's buzzing with energy. After years behind bars, he seems eager for action, and today won't disappoint.

“I can arrange something.” His expression flickers with a hint of amusement. “As long as I get a turn to torture the fucker.”

“I wouldn’t dream of robbing you of a little fun,” I say. “But I get first dibs. And I warn you, my vengeance will be thorough.”

Nikolai’s face breaks into a devilish smile. “Deal.”



I don't know how long we are kept in the room. Hours seem to pass. At some point, we are given food but no information. Just when the tiniest spark of hope takes root, that maybe the wedding might not happen today, a sour-looking guard barges into the room.