Page 91 of Seal of Approval

We were walking again. To our room, Jasmine’s room.

“How’s the dissertation going?”

“All finished. I just submitted it.”

“Congratulations.” She studied me closely. “You look exhausted.”

“It’s been a long two months. Working, writing and juggling it all.”

She nodded. “Thank you for finding the time to call us as well.”

“The best part of my day.” It was time to lay it all on the line. “I don’t like being apart from you, Bailey and Rose.”

“I don’t like it either.” She bit her lip. Her picture shook. “I haven’t spoken to the children yet, but what would you think about us moving there to be with you?”

I stared at the screen. I’d never even thought about them moving here. Jasmine giving up her peaceful life had never been an option in my mind.

“It was only a thought,” she said, her voice tense.

My eyes darted to her. “Sorry, you took me by surprise.”

She frowned. “It doesn’t sound like it was a good surprise.”

I moved myself to the edge of the chair and set the laptop on the table. “I don’t think you moving here is a good idea.” I tried to align my thoughts. They were coming too fast.

“Fine.” Her voice was terse. Her shoulders were high and stiff. She was holding back tears. “I’ll go get Bailey.”


She stood and headed to the door.

“Jasmine, stop.” My voice was firm. “Look at me.”

She did. Her face contorted, then settled. “It’s not like there’s another choice. We move there or we don’t. If we don’t, then we’re not together.”

“I can move there.”

She narrowed her eyes. “And give up your career? The one you’ve worked towards for the past ten years?”

“It’s not as important to me anymore.”

Her expression didn’t change.

“Jasmine, I want to be with you and the children. That’s what’s important.”

Her chest rose and fell. She shook her head. “You’re tired, Ethan. You’re not thinking straight. I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to move here, give up everything, and then resent us later.”

I needed to make her understand.

She started walking again. “There is nothing here, Ethan. Just a beach, some sea lions and us. No big city, no university, no aquariums, no research centres. How can that ever be enough for someone as driven as you?”

She was being stubborn and unreasonable, just like when we first met. I would laugh if my whole future didn’t rely on us talking this through.

“Jasmine, can we talk about this?”

She paused and glanced at the phone. “Call me when you’re rested and have thought it through.”

“I’ll call you tomorrow.”