Ethan pushed me onto the bed. “Higher.”
I scrambled up the bed. Ethan followed, his fingers inside me instantly. He stuck another one in and pumped. Tightness spread through my body. I raised my hips, increasing the friction. His thumb pressed against my clit, rubbing in time with his fingers. Tightness turned to shaking. Ethan’s fingers were relentless. Shaking turned into convulsions. I threw my head back and cried out.
My convulsions subsided. Ethan didn’t wait for them to stop. His dick replaced his fingers. He pumped hard and fast. I tried to catch my breath. I couldn’t. I cried out again as another orgasm swept through me. Ethan rode me through it. My fingers dug into his back. Unbelievable. How could sex get any better?
Ethan grunted as my hips met his thrust for thrust. His shoulders tensed first. Then his back. His hips lost momentum. I kept mine going. His breath caught and his whole body stiffened. We stopped pumping altogether. Only his dick moved.
I soaked up the sound as a moan mixed with a grunt expanded his chest. Harsh breathing followed. He must have been holding his breath. Ethan kissed me, sloppy and quick, before rolling off me. The winter air was cool against my sweating skin. I never knew a man having an orgasm was so freaking hot.
I reached for his hand. “How could I say no to marrying Sex on Legs?”
He chuckled. “OQ would never say no.”
I stood up as the car made its way toward the house and pulled into the driveway. I walked down the porch stairs, and Rose flung her door open even before Jasmine’s car came to a full stop. Seconds later, she was launching herself at me, clinging tight. Her sobs shook her whole body. I held her against me, stroking her hair.
Bailey came next, wrapping his arms around both of us. He was more restrained than his sister, but his arms were no less tight. I kissed the top of his head.
“Are you staying this time?” Bailey asked.
“Your ocean is my ocean.”
He squeezed me tighter. Rose squirmed out of our grip. She ran to Jasmine, wrapping her arms around her waist, looking up into Jasmine’s face and smiling. “We can be a real family now, together again.”
“We sure can,” Jasmine said.
Bailey led me inside. “Do you want to see my assignment?”
“I’d love to.”
“I’ll go get it.”
Rose sat at the table. “It’s a huge poster. We have to put it in the broom cupboard every night to keep it hidden from Timmy. I think Bailey would lose his shit if it got destroyed.”
I raised my eyebrows at her and tried not to laugh at her phrase, even if it was amusing coming from a nine-year-old. I waited for her to reconsider her statement.
Rose pursed her lips and nodded. “Bailey would be distraught if Timmy ruined it.”
I smiled. Her word usage was humorous. “That’s better. A new favourite word?”
She nodded. “Mummy was upset when you left, but upset is a very boring word. Everyone uses it. So I looked in the thesaurus you gave me for Christmas. Distraught was a much better word.”
“I was distraught too, in here.” I pointed to my heart.
Bailey appeared with a roll of paper. He rolled it out. It was at least four feet by six feet. He’d drawn a dissection of an ocean scene—the sand stretching out to the ocean, the world below the surface of the water and above it. I studied the drawings. Crabs under the sand through to birds in the sky.
I put my arm around Bailey’s shoulders. “This is excellent work.”
“Do you think you can help me make sure I got everything?”
“Sure can.”
“He also needs to do a report on the ecosystem,” Jasmine said.
“You’re an expert on reports,” Rose said. “You did one to become a doctor, or was it a professor? It doesn’t matter. Mum said your report was hundreds of pages long. And you were busy making it perfect. That’s why you couldn’t ring.”