“I’m hoping this is the last time I need that.”

“Caroline!” Edgar calls in his thick New York accent. “That toilet upstairs is backed up again. I tried the poop knife. No dice. You wanna call that little twerp, or should I?”

I sigh. “I’ll call him.”

Nolan arrives at Jesse’s cabin with two large trays lined with dry-aged beef patties, a huge smile on his scarred face, and Mia following behind with bags of fresh produce.

“I hope everybody’s hungry,” Nolan says.

There’s a cheer from the hockey players as a few of the guys get up from a game of battleship. Little by little, they’ve all become ridiculously competitive about the game. Carter is apparently the best at it, and they’re all determined to unseat him as “war admiral,” which is what he has started calling himself.

Jake has been texting and stepping outside to take calls all day, which is odd for him. Ever since we finished our meeting with Peter, I’ve barely been able to get a word in with him. Right now, he’s on the back deck of Jesse’s cabin with a finger plugged in one ear, nodding and talking seriously about something.

Andi comes and plops down beside me on the couch, where I’ve been curled up with a blanket to watch the guys argue over their little game.

Paisley is wearing a play crown and half of Amelia’s princess jewelry while Amelia waves her arms and gathers toys, piling them all in Paisley’s lap. Walker and Jude are in a play crib together, kicking their chubby legs and waving their arms as they watch the action.

“I still can’t believe you guys did a Vegas wedding,” Andi says. “How was it?”

“Like a blur. Did you know they do drive-thru weddings, too? I know we were just making sure we checked a box for the contract, but I couldn’t bring myself to take it that far.”

Andi laughs. “Wow. Can you get fries with your nuptials?”

I grin. “Probably.”

“So… can I ask why you look so gloomy? You got the B&B secured. Jesse said Jake’s negotiations with the team are going great. Apparently, there’s no reason they wouldn’t offer him a new contract at the end of this season. You guys both got what you wanted. Jake knows the truth about Walker, now. All the secrets are out… What’s left to be upset about?”

I smile a little too quickly, nodding. “You’re right. Everything is perfect.”

Andi gives me the stink eye. “Except…”

“Imagine dating the perfect guy. You’re a few months in, and everything is progressing well. And then you have to get fake married right in the middle of it before any sane couple would be ready for marriage. Now follow that to its natural conclusion.”

“Well, I guess you would get divorced, right?”

“Okay. And how many successful relationships start with divorce?”

“It would be different, though.”

I fold my arms. “I’m pretty sure it would be weird. And… I just don’t know where we go from here. I guess that’s what has me worried. What if he was just making the best of his time while we had to pretend to be married anyway? Who says he will even want to stick around after we call off this fake marriage?”

“You just said it’s like dating the perfect guy. Would you be saying that if it was one-sided?”

“No…” I admit.

“Can I tell you a secret?”

“Please,” I say, laughing a little. Anything to distract me from my depressing thoughts right now would be a relief. In the background, the guys are watching Nolan and Mia explain how these dry-aged patties are going to be the next big thing at Taste and how we’re all lucky for getting to be the first guinea pigs.

“Jake talks about you all the time. I’ve never seen him like this. I think he really likes you. Really likes you.”

“He does?”

She nods. “I’ll ask him how practice went or whatever and within like four words he’s talking about Caroline this and Caroline that.”

I smile. “He did say he loves me.”

Andi smiles in a way that tells me she already knows as much. “That’s amazing.”