I smile, too, because I may not know exactly what’s going through his head, but I know one thing: that wasn’t him pulling back from closeness. That was him leaning into it. Surely, that must mean something has changed.



“Oh, God, Jake!” I scream, hands pressed to my cheeks.

Andi laughs from beside me. We’re in the private booth for families at the ice rink. Walker, Jude, and Amelia are all with us. Andi was the only friend from Frosty Harbor who could come to today’s game.

“He’s fine, they don’t hit that hard,” she says.

I’m watching Jake, who has dropped his gloves and pulled off his helmet. He’s currently fist-fighting with some huge Swedish guy on the other team. The refs are circling them like it’s a freaking wrestling match.

“Why do they let them do this? It’s barbaric!” I say through my teeth.

“It’s fine,” Andi says. “He knows what he’s–ooh,” she says in a low voice.

Jake just caught a punch to the cheek, sending him down to one knee. The Swedish guy surprises him with a knee to the face, sending the refs rushing in and the crowd making angry noises.

Jake is on one of the trainer’s tables and a young guy who looks like he’s in college is holding ice to his cheek.

“I almost had him,” Jake says.


“I’m fine,” he says, laughing and then wincing as the movement must make something hurt. “That asshole was asking for it. He’d been getting away with murder against Maddox all night. I told him to knock it off or I’d knock him out. And then we threw gloves.”

“He kneed you in the face.”

“Yes, that did happen. Cheap move. If he’d kept it to fists, I had him where I wanted him.”

“You were falling over.”

“It was a strategic position. From that low point, I come with a rising uppercut. They never see it coming.”

I sigh and put my hands on his arms. He’s still sweaty and hot from the game. “I don’t like seeing you get hurt.”

“Won’t happen again.” The trainer pulls the ice away to reveal a black eye and red patch on Jake’s cheek. He heads off to the other room, leaving us alone. Andi is still up in the booth while the game finishes. She said she was fine keeping an eye on Walker so I could come check on Jake.

“It better not,” I warn.

He smiles, and God, he’s beautiful. His hair is wild and sweaty and his long eyelashes make the blue in his eyes seem even more intense. “Thank you for coming. I like looking up and seeing you there. Was Walker watching?”

“You’re welcome. I got some videos of him looking at the game. Even if he doesn’t remember, we’ll have those.”

Jake smiles. “That’s awesome. Thank you.”

I sit with him for a little while and tell him about the tidbits I’ve heard from Grams and Edgar at the B&B. Apparently, they’re exhausted from their lover’s retreat in Colorado and shirking on their duties. According to them, all has been well. According to the emails I’ve been sent today from guests, they’re trying to run their Bingo scam in the lobby. Hopefully, they’ll return the money they swindled out of my guests, so I don’t have to do it myself.

Our private moment ends when the game finishes and more huge hockey players fill up the other treatment tables. More doctors and physical therapists appear, applying treatments, stretching our sore muscles, or testing injuries. Everybody who comes in checks on Jake first, making it clear how much they respect and appreciate what he does for the team.

I finally lean in, kiss him on the mouth, and put a hand on his shoulder. “I have a hotel for the night. Will I see you later?”

“Of course you will.” He reaches around and squeezes my ass. “Come to my place, though.”

“The hotel actually has curtains, though.” I’ve seen Jake’s place a few times, and it’s honestly kind of hilarious. He lives like a college student. It’s not messy, but he acts like he doesn’t know how to furnish an apartment. He lives with the bare minimum of furniture and comforts.

“Alright,” he says with a sigh. “Your hotel, then.”