Vanessa continues. “Summers cooperated with the responding officers but became belligerent when he wasn’t ‘allowed to finish the third period because he was on the verge of a hat trick.’ Property damage includes one slightly worse-for-wear mop head. Several bar stools bearing the marks of intense one-on-one matchups. A bowl of peanuts, now deemed unfit for consumption. During the arrest, Mr. Summers’ eyes sparkled with unspoken intensity and the promise of passion.”
The police officer turns slowly and practically tip-toes out of the room with bright red cheeks. I suspect I just witnessed the author of my police report.
I fold my arms, grinning. “Come on, Vanessa. You’ve got to admit it’s a little funny.” Even if I’m trying to find the humor in this, I can’t help feeling the twinge of disappointment in myself. I know I’m acting self-destructive. Lately, it feels like all the shit that matters to me is slipping away. My team. Hockey. And, of course, the one thing I haven’t whispered a word of to anyone: Caroline. Finding out some other guy knocked her up hit me in a way I still haven’t been able to shake off. Betrayal, confusion, anger. I felt it all. I still do. If I remember correctly, thoughts of Caroline were what drove me to the bar in the first place.
She scowls at me. “Would it be funny if this wasn’t happening right before contract negotiations? No, it probably still wouldn’t be. But considering the Vandals are about to decide whether they are extending your old ass for one last contract, I’d say this falls firmly into ‘not funny’ territory, Jake.”
I nod slowly. “Fair points.”
She chews the side of her lip, then lets out a breath. “Listen. I know it’s hard watching the team change. Nolan retired last year. Jesse is talking about walking away this season. And you mentioned Carter, Maddox, and Liam have all started talking about hanging up their skates, too. Everybody is getting older.”
“And?” I ask, feeling a little testy, even though it’s not as if she’s wrong.
“I’m wondering if your behavior tonight has anything to do with feeling like the team is slipping away from you. Or worrying that hockey could be coming to an end in your life.”
“Damn,” the bald guy says from behind me. “That stings, man. I’ll be your friend if you need one.”
“Uh, thanks,” I say, returning my attention to Vanessa. “I have more than hockey and the team in my life. You realize that, right?”
She raises an eyebrow. “Such as?”
I gesture in a circle, feeling annoyed that she’s asking. “I have things. Plenty of things. I’ve got my apartment.”
“I’ve seen it. The one you still have decorated like you’re some Spartan warrior? No curtains. No rugs. A mattress on the floor. An expired bottle of ketchup in the fridge?”
“Wait, my ketchup is expired?”
“You live like a poor college bachelor, Jake,” Vanessa says. “I worry about you.”
“You’re exaggerating,” I say, shooting a slightly embarrassed look over my shoulder. I don’t want my new prison buddies to think I’m some kind of loser, after all. But seriously, when did my ketchup expire? I didn’t even know ketchup could expire. “I’ve got those curtains. The ones in the bathroom. And what’s even the point of a bed frame? The mattress works perfectly well on the ground. I’m supposed to elevate it like I’m some kind of goddamn king? Is that it?”
“Normal people have bed frames. And the curtain in your bathroom is a shower curtain. Doesn’t count.”
I make an annoyed sound. “What’s your point?”
“You’ve poured your life into hockey and your team. Now, it feels like that might all be ending, and I’m worried you don’t know how to handle it. So you’re…” she points to my shirtless and temporarily imprisoned state. “Doing whatever this is.”
“I’m fine. And hockey isn’t coming to an end. I’m going to get that next contract. Just watch.”
She works her lips to the side. “About that… I just spoke with the Vandal’s front office staff. It sounds like they are worried about your off-ice conduct. I don’t know if that means a pay cut or if it means no contract at all. But I do know this isn’t helping. It would massively benefit you to clean your shit up, Jake. Find some way to look like you’ve got your act together. Prove to the team they can trust you going forward. If you don’t, there may not be another contract. Not from the Vandals, at least.”
I swallow hard. Fuck. I know I’m getting older, but I’m still the team’s leading scorer. Most of the other NHL teams would happily scoop me up if the Vandals don’t sign me. But I never considered the Vandals letting me go. Not yet. I’ve always intended to retire a Vandal. I’ve put in too much with helping mentor the rookies and building the team to leave it to somebody else. I’ve got my local charities, which I’ve built up in the area, too. This team is my legacy. It’s like my family, from the equipment staff to the security guards on game day and all the way up to the coaches and players.
“Alright,” I say, voice firm. “I’ll find a way to make sure they know I’m done fucking around. Consider the problem solved.”
Vanessa cocks her head. “I can’t decide if I’m an idiot for actually believing you. But you really do have an almost supernatural ability to fix things. Once you decide to, that is.”
“I’m going to fix this,” I say. I feel some of my old fire coming back. She’s right, after all. Mostly. There’s nothing supernatural about my abilities, though. It’s just pure, hard, unrelenting determination and a willingness to do whatever it takes. For example, when I decided I wanted to be in the NHL as a little kid. As soon as I knew what I wanted, I worked toward it tirelessly. I never took days off. I never slacked off during workouts. I never zoned out when my coaches were talking or eased up in games because I was tired.
When I want something, I fucking get it. And I’m not about to let the Vandals pass me off to some other team.
“Do I get to know what your grand plan is?” Vanessa asks.
“I’ll let you know as soon as I figure that out. I’m going to Frosty Harbor tomorrow, assuming you can pull some strings and get me out of here tonight.”
“Lucky for you,” Vanessa says. “The bartender isn’t pressing charges. He’s a big fan and says the barstools you roughed up in those ‘intense one-on-ones’ will be souvenirs for him. I already talked to the officers out front. You’re free to go.”
I glare. “So we could’ve had this conversation outside the jail cell?”