“You know, Jesse told me about that game of hockey you played with the barstools. The one that got you arrested a few nights before you showed up and agreed to fake marry me.”
Jake’s cheeks actually go splotchy red at that.
“Jake Summers… Are you blushing?”
“Nope,” he says, very obviously embarrassed. “That’s anger.”
“I had too much to drink that night. I’ve cut back since then. It’s part of the new me.”
“Maybe you loosening up isn’t the worst thing in the world. I could go out and get us some booze if it’ll get you to relax a little.”
“I am relaxed.”
I fold my arms. “You’re about as relaxed as a sphincter that’s trying to accommodate a baseball bat.”
He squints, raising one eyebrow. “What?”
“Admit it. You’ve been uptight about something ever since we got back. Me and Walker have our theories, of course. But I think it’s time we get it out in the open. I’m tired of tip-toeing around it.”
“Everything is fine.”
“It’s good you took up hockey and not acting.”
He sighs. It’s a long while before he speaks again. “Maybe I’m just… frustrated.”
“Okay. We’re getting somewhere. You’re frustrated. Because it’s hard keeping this lie going with our friends? Because you’re actually still mad that I kept Walker a secret for two months? Because–”
“Because of these,” he says, stunning me as he touches the pad of his thumb to my lower lip, running it down sensually.
My breath catches.
“Because of this,” he says, eyes trailing down my body hungrily. “Because I just watched you ride me in an attempt to pop a balloon and I’ve been fighting the urge to go jack off like a middle-schooler ever since.”
I chew the corner of my lip. “So you liked that? I could ask Paisley if there are any more balloons… I could put one right here and give it a run for its money.” I lay my hand on his lower belly, letting my fingertips drag a teasing path downward.
If he’s sexually frustrated, he can join the freaking club. I’ve still been fighting back waves of heat since he gripped my hips and railed me in front of everybody I’ve ever known. Sure, our clothes were on, and it was for the sake of balloon popping… but I didn’t miss the hard shape of his arousal pressing against my ass. I’ve been practically torturing myself with memories of how it feels to have him inside me ever since.
“Fuck the balloon,” he growls, pulling me onto his lap.
“Oh. I was thinking of fucking the hockey player, but if you insist, I can–”
I laugh when he stands suddenly. I have to hook my heels around his waist as he hoists me up and tosses me on the bed.
“Close your eyes, Walker. Mommy is going to be naughty.”
Walker is out cold, but he’s also still so little that he’s completely oblivious to stuff like this. It wouldn’t phase him if I invited a full-sized bear into the bedroom and staged a boxing match.
Jake yanks his shirt over his head, powerful body catching every shadow and hint of light in my dim bedroom. The sinew in his muscles stretches and moves as he positions himself above me, eyes absolutely lit with starvation.
“You know,” I say, faking a yawn. “I’m actually pretty tired. I don’t know if–”
He shuts me up with a kiss.
It’s exactly what I’ve been missing for these last few months.
His lips are the perfect blend of soft and firm. His touch is commanding. His body is heavy on mine and dizzyingly warm in all the right ways.