I hear the laughter and cheers as people whoop and whistle. I even see several parents covering their children’s eyes.

Caroline is either oblivious or too determined to win to care.

Bam. Bam. Bam. She slams herself down on me and the tiny balloon again and again.

“You take me from behind,” she says with all the seriousness of a soldier asking her comrade for cover fire. She hops off me, gets on her hands and knees, and puts the balloon right between her ass cheeks.

She’s wearing black biker shorts and I can see the faint outline of her thong as she points her ample ass my way.

I’ve played in front of thousands with everything on the line. I’ve spoken at press conferences while dozens of cameras were pointed at me. But this?

I blow out a breath, taking her hips in my hands, and give a lackluster pump of my hips.

“Hump me like you mean it!” She shouts.

More laughter.

I give a nervous smile and press my hips into her a little harder. Now that our chair fell over, I’m a little behind the others and I can see all the other groups have moved on to the final, tiny balloon, too.

Somehow, we’ve found ourselves in the most ridiculous and obviously sexual position.

“There’s no way,” I say, watching the small balloon stretch easily as I press it against her ass with my crotch.

“Just rail me, Jake,” she says. Again, there’s no touch of awareness or humor in her voice. Caroline just wants to win.

That earns another round of cheers and whistles. Apparently, we’re the stars of this show.

I give her a harder thrust this time, knocking her forward and making her ponytail flop from her back to hang by her cheek.

“Like that! Harder!” she screams.

Jesus. If she keeps saying shit like this, I’m going to get hard.

I take a tighter hold of her hips and push into her, pulling her ass into me as I thrust.


I clear my throat, watching the balloon squirm.

Soon, I’m pounding against her with a rhythmic pap pap pap sound that feels far too dirty to be doing in front of other people. But it’s still not working.

“Give me your ass!” Caroline says, gesturing for me to turn around.

By this point, I’m all in and mostly just ready for this to be over with. So I obey, getting on my hands and knees and turning around so we’re ass to ass.

We start pushing our asses together in the world’s oddest rhythm. The worst part is I’m absolutely hard by now and trying to position myself so it’s not too obvious. Thankfully, I’m wearing blue jeans that do a pretty good job of holding everything in place. If I’d been wearing my jogging shorts from earlier… best not to think about that.

All the food I shoveled down a few minutes ago starts to churn with the rhythm of my body. I suppress a gurgle and then a gag.

“Come on, Jake! Give me that ass!” Caroline shouts.

Alright. That one had to be on purpose.

To my surprise, every other couple is still struggling with their tiny balloons

Caroline stops suddenly, grabbing the balloon as her face grows dark. “It’s time.”

“Time for what?” I ask, feeling a little scared.