Every person who passes stops to squeeze my shoulder, shake my hand, or make some old-timer joke about “the old ball and chain” or some other good-natured jab at married life. I do have to admit the general tone of people in town has been different than I initially expected. Instead of seeming happy and congratulatory, it feels like they all enjoy teasing me about married life. That, or they will joke about how head-over-heels we must be to get married so quickly.
Caroline finds me in the middle of her frenzy of planning. She puts one hand on the small of my back and moves in front of me. “Hey. Doing okay?”
“Yeah?” I say around a mouthful of pulled pork.
“You sure? Because Carter told me you’re eating like you’re training to be a competitive hot dog eater in your retired life. He thinks you’re nervous.’
I pop a roll in my mouth, puffing out one cheek with food. “I’m not nervous.”
Her smile is soft and sweet. She touches my forearm. “Maybe take a little break from the free food. We’ve got a game in five minutes.”
Mia gestures for Caroline, who rushes off and helps pull more chairs into position. People are gathering in a ring around the chairs and the girls are blowing up balloons. Doesn’t look too bad, I think.
I grab another hotdog, sigh, and head over.
“Here he is!” Paisley shouts, fist-pumping. From the looks of it, she already had too much to drink. Then again, when it comes to Paisley, half a beer is probably too much to drink.
The crowd of onlookers continues to grow as I’m ushered into one of the chairs. Nolan and Jesse are beside me, and then a handful of other married guys from town are filling out the remaining chairs. The wives, girlfriends, and fake fiancée assemble on the other side of the clearing. Paisley is busy with a few other women handing out huge balloons.
“Okay!” Paisley shouts, swaying a little as if the next stiff breeze might knock her off her feet. “Welcome to the wedpocolypse!”
“Nope!” Mia shouts, rushing over from her place in front of Nolan’s chair. She puts an arm around Paisley, still holding her oversized balloon. “We decided to just call these the wedding games. And thank you all for coming. Frosty Harbor’s imminent newlyweds will compete against six lucky couples for the grand prize. There will be seven games in total, and the winning team from each game earns one point. We’ll have one main event per day, and then anybody else from town who wants to play is welcome to join in and play for fun. At the end of the week, the couple with the most points from our six parties here takes home the prize!”
“What’s the prize?” somebody shouts from the crowd.
“Oh!” Mia smiles. “The winner gets a romantic dinner for two at Taste after hours. Me and Nolan will personally cook for you and serve you the meal. And if me and Nolan win, we don’t have to stay late and cook for you slobs!”
That earns a round of laughter from everybody.
“Okay, good job, Paisley!” Mia pats Paisley on the back, which makes her sway forward, eyes bulging a little. She shoots two thumbs up kind of in Mia’s retreating direction.
“So the rules are simple,” Paisley says. “You have to pop the balloon between your body and your partner’s body. The balloon gets smaller every time. The first couple to pop all the balloons wins! No biting the balloon or poking it with your fingers. Cheaters will be shamed.”
“Nobody is going to get shamed,” Mia says cheerily. “But we did buy a shame bell to ring, just in case.”
“Shamed,” Paisley repeats as she backs away from the field of play.
Mia walks over to a spot with the other women.
“Three, two, four, begin!”
I’m caught off guard by the sudden start as I see Caroline sprinting toward me with a look of deadly intent in her eyes. I only have time to raise an eyebrow before she jumps, turns mid-air, and positions the balloon between me and her rapidly approaching ass.
The balloon gives way, and then my balls do because Caroline’s ass hits me like a freight train between the legs.
I bend over, groaning and laughing as she’s already running to grab the next balloon. To my right, I see all the other couples going at it. There’s a chorus of popping balloons, telling me that it’s still anybody’s game.
I’m barely recovered when I see Caroline coming again. The balloon is significantly smaller this time. She tries the same move. The balloon croaks with a rubbery groan and doesn’t pop. I cup myself as Caroline grips my hips and slams her ass down on my lap again and again. She’s looking back over her shoulder at me with barbarian-like rage in her eyes.
Finally, the balloon pops. This time, it’s significantly faster than anybody else’s. There’s a blur of moving bodies in the other chairs and squeaking balloons refusing to pop.
I hear the first pop from Andi and Jesse just as Caroline comes at me with a balloon hardly bigger than her fist.
She does the same flying ass move to start, but her aim is off. I take a full helping of ass to the chest instead of the lap. The chair tips over and Caroline is sitting on my face. It’s a little too painful to enjoy, but Caroline has already positioned the balloon between her legs and sets it on my crotch. She starts pumping up and down on me, hands on my chest like she’s riding me for all her worth.
In front of the entire town.