“I think we’re both having doubts,” Jake says.
My stomach sinks. He’s going to call the whole thing off, isn’t he? He’s going to suggest we find another way. Another plan. He’s going to say he’s tired of pretending to like me and wants–
“Maybe because this is different for us,” he adds. “We’re doing it backward, right? We used to do all the physical stuff and none of… this.” He gestures around the room and then at my dress as we move with the music.
“I guess so, yeah. We were always worried about people figuring out what we were up to when nobody looked. So, yeah, it was mostly just sex.”
“I think it’s weird for us both, and I’m pretty sure I know why, now,” he says. “It’s because of the sexual tension.”
“Oh,” I say, the word slips out of me like air from a rapidly deflating balloon. What was it I hoped he was going to say? That we should just skip the faking and date for real? That he wanted to be a real family, now that he’d had, what, a day or two of pretending?
They were stupid thoughts. He still didn’t even know the truth about Walker, and my self-imposed deadline was getting closer every day.
“So I was thinking,” his voice is a low whisper now. That wandering thumb of his is drifting down. He slips it down the open back of my dress, drifting down until it glides over the waistband of my thong. Hot prickles run up and down my skin, and warm desire pools in my core. “Maybe we just need to vent a little steam. Let the pressure out.”
I need to swallow, but my throat feels too tight. I struggle momentarily, finally remembering how to execute the basic bodily function. “I have to tell you something. Something I should’ve told you a really long time ago.”
“Shh,” he says. That one finger on my bare skin is doing all kinds of things to my brain. Alarm bells are ringing. Steam is venting from random pipes, and little “inside my brain” people are running, screaming, and waving their arms in pure panic.
“Words,” I say confidently. I blink twice, realize I’ve been reduced to a babbling idiot, and close my mouth. My cheeks burn hot.
Jake’s lips spread in a sexy smile. “I already know,” he says softly.
“You do?” My heart is pounding now.
“Of course I do. And I know why you haven’t said anything. It’s okay.”
“Really?” I’m so confused and relieved I could cry.
“Really.” He pulls me closer, now rocking me softly with the music.
“How long have you known?”
“A long time. And I’m okay with it. I get it. But that’s why it has always worked so well between us.”
I frown a little. “It is?”
“Yeah. You’re not looking for anything serious. You’ve got the B&B, and now you’ve got Walker. You’re not about to set aside your career and passions for a committed relationship. But you don’t have to apologize for it. I already understood that, and it’s what made our little arrangement so perfect. Nothing comes between me and hockey. Nothing comes between you and your passion. All we could ever offer was part of ourselves, and that’s perfect for me.”
“Jake,” I start.
“It’s okay,” he says again, leaning closer so his eyes are all I see. “You don’t have to explain a thing. I get it. I always have.”
He hooks his thumb under my chin, lifting my face to kiss me deeply and passionately. I’m so shocked by it that my thoughts go completely blank.
By the time he pulls back, I can only stare back, completely stunned.
He seems so happy and content that I decide this isn’t the moment. For tonight, I’ll just let this be what it is and enjoy the magic before it all fades. I’ll enjoy the beautiful dress, the music, the perfect man holding me tightly, and the scorching promise that kiss held for what might come soon.
For now, this moment will be enough.
Jesse takes the spot beside me at the hotel bar. He gives me a significant look.
“What?” I ask, laughing.