He beams at me, blue eyes sparkling. God. He really is an impressive man. Tall, broad, and with a face I’m pretty sure I couldn’t get bored of if I tried. I’m smiling back at him before I realize it, caught in the spotlight of his attention until everything else feels like background noise.
“I know some pictures and stories got out yesterday,” Jake says. “We wanted to be the ones to announce it, but late is better than never. So, everyone, this is Caroline. She’s the woman I’ve asked to marry me, and she’s my world.”
I know he’s just acting, but some hopeless romantic part of me is playing along with the scene. I don’t know how long I’ve dreamed of a man talking about me like this someday–wanting to brag and share me with his world, to show me off.
“Come here, princess,” Jake says, gesturing.
He might as well have just put a spell on me because my feet are moving all on their own. I hear a few soft gasps, probably as people get a better glimpse at my dress.
Jake puts a hand on the small of my back and thumps the microphone down on a table. He takes my chin and kisses me. And wow. His lips, the feeling of his body against mine, and his hands on me are everything.
It’s pure magic.
And then he’s pulling back, smiling down at me. He winks once, picks up the microphone, and thanks the clapping crowd for coming.
After the speeches, the orchestra plays some more upbeat songs and a few guests form an impromptu dance floor.
“We should go out there,” Jake says. “It might look strange if we don’t.”
“Yeah,” I say. My voice sounds too quiet and breathy. I’m still recovering from the kiss and the little speech–repeating to myself that he’s just playing it all up for our benefit. Jake doesn’t want the same things I want. I need to get that tattooed on my freaking forehead.
He offers me a hand and I give him mine. His big fingers practically swallow up my hand. I can’t help remembering how those fingers felt when he used to put them inside me.
God, Caroline. Get it together. You’re losing it.
“You remember I’m a terrible dancer, right?” I ask as we take a place near the edge of the dance floor.
“Oh, definitely,” Jake laughs. “It’s hard to forget when you see something like that.”
I give him a playful punch on the arm. “You were supposed to say my dancing wasn’t that bad. That was a test.”
“I’m a bad liar. Honesty is a lot safer. The first time I saw you dance, I thought a wasp had been trapped inside your dress.”
“Hah. So funny,” I say, voice dry.
He puts my hand on his side and grips my other hand, interlocking his fingers with mine. He gives me a little tug until we’re just inches apart as we start to sway with the music.
“You seemed like a pretty good liar back there, by the way. She’s my world,” I mimic.
Jake chuckles, eyes drifting down. Is he looking at my cleavage? “I got a little carried away. Sorry. I shouldn’t have put you on the spot like that.”
“It was fine. Although I still thought we were planning to keep a lower profile. Grand announcements about our engagement weren’t exactly the plan yet, were they?”
“No,” Jake agrees. His thumb is drifting dangerously low on my back. “I’ll run that sort of thing by you next time. Promise.”
“It’s alright. I guess it makes sense. The story got out, anyway. We might as well own it. And with Andi and Jesse in on the secret, it’s all a little less stressful. They can help us sell the lie to everyone else.”
Jake nods. “I’ll be shocked if Liam buys our story, by the way. That asshole sees through everything.”
“Are you saying you’d like to tell him, too?”
“I don’t know what I’d like to do,” Jake admits. “As far as plans go, I have to admit this whole thing wasn’t one of my most well-thought-out plans. Maybe we could trust just our closest friends to keep the secret?”
“I don’t know…” I say. And then my whole mood sours because I’m reminded of my self-imposed deadline to tell him the truth about Walker. All this talk of secrets and lies has me feeling like I’m ready to explode. Soon. I will tell him soon.
“I have a kind of crazy thought,” Jake says.
“Okay,” I say. The song shifts to something slower, so he pulls me closer. My face rests against his chest as we continue to shuffle and sway with the music.