I narrow my eyes. “Why would poop get on the bed? Isn’t it just going to stay in the diaper?”

I don’t like how she’s grinning, but I do as I’m told and put him on the little mat.

Walker is looking up at me with a similar expression to his mom. It’s like they’re both in on it and enjoying this.

“Now what?” I ask.

“You take off the diaper and figure out what you’re working with.”

I brace myself, then unstrap the little side straps on his diaper. When I pull it down, I reel back and grimace. “Holy Hell,” I exclaim. “What are you feeding him?”

Walker seems to think I’m playing around because he starts bulging his eyes and kicking his chubby legs like crazy.

“Hey!” I say. “Quit playing around, kid. You’re going to get poop everywhere.”

Walker doesn’t care. He’s trying to flip over now. I’m pretty sure he’s not supposed to even be able to do that, but he’s certainly trying.

“What is he doing?” I ask.

“He loves getting his diaper changed. It gets him a little hyper. You should probably start using those wipes. Oh, and I usually–”

Warm liquid hits me in the face. It happens so fast and unexpectedly that I don’t move for a solid two seconds. Caroline is laughing her ass off because I’m getting peed on.

The little bastard is peeing on my face.

I fall backward, nearly knocking over the nightstand as I wipe at my face. “Oh God,” I gasp. “He pissed on me. He pissed on me.”

Caroline moves in, expertly wiping away all the poop, removing the diaper, and putting on a fresh one while I’m still on the ground in a state of shock.

She looks back at me and tosses a clean wipe my way. “Can you handle cleaning yourself up, or do you need my help for that, too?” There’s an edge of satisfaction in her voice like she knew I was going to show my ass when I tried to do this.

I take the wipe and smear it across my face, shaking my head. “I… did not expect to fail so badly at that. But you didn’t warn me he would fight back.”

She laughs. “Honestly, it’s kind of refreshing to see you do something badly. You’re always so good at everything. But everybody sucks at being a parent on their first try. It’s a learn-on-the-job kind of thing.”

Being a parent. I don’t know why, but that phrase hits me in a strange way. It makes my stomach flutter a little, even though I know she meant to say “pretending” to be a parent. “Yeah,” I say. “Well, thanks for not rubbing it in. Too much,” I add with a grin.

“You may want to change,” she says, looking at my shirt.

I look down and see I’ve been splattered from the stomach to the face with piss. I can’t believe such a small human can produce so much piss and shit, but I guess that’s all he can really do at this stage in his life. And if you’re only able to do one thing, you’re probably going to do a pretty damn good job at it. Good for you, kid.

“Yeah,” I say. “I’m going to just grab a shower while I’m at it.” I glance around the room and motion to the couch. I also didn’t think to make sure I got a room with two beds. “I’ll get them to send up some blankets and pillows. It’s already pretty late, so I may just turn in once I shower.”

“Okay, yeah,” Caroline stretches and yawns. “Walker wakes me up all night, so I’m always ready for bed. It’s kind of nice to be away from the bed and breakfast for a night. I can skip my nightly rounds and cleaning and just pass out.”

I dig out some clothes and pause at the door to the bathroom. Caroline is bent over her suitcase to pick out some clothes to sleep in. I’ve been doing a pretty good job of it before now, but I can’t help staring at her ass as she bends down. She’s still just wearing those jeans, but I can see the outline of her panties through them. My brain does an admirable job of calling up several memories of what she looks like naked.

I feel myself stiffen at the memories of her taste and the scent of her skin–the way she moved under me and felt with my hands on her. The feeling of her walls tight around my cock.

I also can’t help calling up the memory of the kiss at the B&B in front of Peter. I was only doing it to screw with the guy and sell the lie a little. But damn. It had been one hell of a kiss. I spent more time than I’d like to admit thinking about it on the plane ride, too.

I push it all down and let the door click behind me.

Bad idea, Jake.

I told myself from the start to keep this platonic. We’re just former lovers doing a favor for each other. Caroline and I closed the door on romantic possibility already, and I don’t need to imagine what it would be like to open it again, even if it’s just a crack.

I undress and get in the shower, letting the warm water wash over me.