The private jet triggered a maintenance alarm shortly after we landed. When I called to set up the return flight as we’d planned, I was told by a profusely apologetic mechanic that the replacement part wouldn’t come until tomorrow morning. They offered to set us up with first-class tickets on a commercial flight home, but I didn’t want to drag Caroline and Walker through all that nonsense.

So, a hotel for the night seemed like a reasonable backup plan.

“I wasn’t thinking when I booked this,” I say on our way to the elevator. “I just got the one room since, well… But I realize now we could’ve tried to get separate rooms.”

“It’s okay,” Caroline says. “If we’re going to be selling this story, we should probably take the easy steps like sharing a room. After the scene we made outside Tiffany’s, I wouldn’t be shocked if people know we’re supposed to be a couple now.”

“Do you have enough stuff for Walker to make it through the night?”

“We’re good,” she says. I’ve got his fold-out crib, just in case. Now you see why I packed so much?”

I grin. “Never doubted you for a second.”

My phone has been vibrating up a storm in my pocket, but I’ve mostly ignored it. Between picking out the ring back at Tiffany’s, the bad news with the plane, and just generally trying to navigate this weird-as-hell situation we’ve found ourselves in, checking texts hasn’t been high on my priority list.

I finally steal a glance while the elevator climbs to the top floor. I’ve got texts from almost every guy on the team, including several rookies and newer players. The first text is from my little sister, though.

Andi: You better answer my calls, asshole. WHAT THE EFF? ENGAGED? I need deets. All the deets. Call me or else.

The text ends with a gun and a mind-blown emoji.

Apparently, the news is out. From a quick glance, it looks like the entire team knows I’m supposedly engaged. So much for the soft launch with the fake dating plan.

Jesse: We need to talk. Now. Answer my fucking calls, asshole.

I grimace at that one. Considering Caroline is his sister, I imagine Jesse is thinking about kicking my ass. I can’t entirely blame him. I did punch him when I found him on his stupid-ass vibrating waterbed with my sister four years ago. But he had it coming. This situation is totally different.

Liam: Congrats, man. I have to admit I had no clue. It’s big of you to step up for that kid. I’m happy he’ll have a dad in his life, even if it’s not his own. Also, there’s something I want to tell you in person. Most of us are heading to Frosty Harbor tonight to celebrate with you guys. Maybe we can meet for a beer tomorrow if you have time?

I’m guessing he wants to discuss the retirement announcement. Just thinking about it sours my mood again.

Carter: Broooo! That baby isn’t even yours! Big dick energy, FR FR.

Carter simply follows his text with dead-faced, crying emojis. I’m not really sure what that means.

Maddox: Hear me out… She’s a cancer, and you’re an aries. I’m not saying it can never work, but I AM saying it might not be the best idea. You sure about this?

I roll my eyes at that one. Maddox is always on about some superstitious thing or the other.

Nolan: Nice, dude. I’ve been rooting for you two to figure it out and admit you’re crazy about each other forever. Welcome to the club. I’ll make you guys a badass cake with Mia to celebrate. Tell me when you two can make it to Taste, and we’ll set you up with a five-course meal on the house.

I look over and see Caroline is reading texts, too.

The elevator dings, and we step out into the hallway.

“What are you going to say?” I ask, assuming it’s her friends bombarding her like my teammates.

“What should I say?” she asks. She looks a little frazzled, which isn’t like her. “Andi sounds like she’s about to die of excitement. She texted me like eight paragraphs about everything she wants to do now that we will be married to each other’s brothers. Mia’s talking about all the meals she wants to make for the wedding. Paisley has apparently already started baking up a storm for us.”

I nod. “The guys seem kind of excited, too.” I don’t mention that Maddox is worried about our star signs not lining up. I’m sure he’ll come around.

“Are we really going to tell them it’s all a lie?”

“What else would we do?” I ask.

“We could… just let them enjoy it for a little bit?”

I stop outside the door to our room and gently set Walker’s carrier down beside me. He’s awake now but happily sucking on his pacifier and looking around at everything with wide-eyed curiosity. “That seems like a bad idea.”