I roll my eyes. The stupid cow should stay away from both McCarter twins. It would be best for everyone.

“I was drunk and I told her that you were acting like a brat and that everything had to be your way. And that's exactly what you did, Cara!”

“Pff!” I look at him in disbelief. “I can't believe you'd say that.”

“Jesus Christ!” he shouts, grabbing my hand to pull me toward him. “I want you, only you. You're the only woman I want to be with, Cara Catherine Corse. And either you tell me right now that you want that too, or...” Noah stops dramatically and I open my eyes.

Why is he doing this?

My heart races, afraid that everything between us might be over again.

“Or?” I whisper.

“Or we go our separate ways forever,” he answers. “I want you. Only you, but you have to want me as well. It won't work otherwise.”

“I want you too,” I say, putting my hand on his cheek. I stroke it gently and smile at him. “I want you and that's why I'm here. I shouldn't have done all this and ... and I should have allowed my feelings for you. It was easier for me to talk myself into the friendship thing than to really deal with where it was taking us. That was wrong, and enough people have told me that by now.”

“Oh yeah?” he asks. “Who?”

“My mom, Alex, Emily...” I sigh. “You want me to list others?”

I tug on his jacket and smile. Noah returns my smile and leans into me. Our eyes lock and despite his clothes, I can feel his heart beating hard beneath my fingers.

“I love you,” he says.

“I love you too,” I reply, sealing his mouth with mine.

Noah kisses me back and pulls me closer. His arms wrap around me and I wrap mine around his neck at the same time, pulling him closer.



The sun's rays awaken me as they shine through the large panoramic windows. Everything in me resists opening my eyes for fear of waking up from the wonderful dream I've been in since yesterday afternoon. Cara plays the main role in it. We've reconciled and she's finally the woman at my side.

A discussion was more than necessary. I was almost sorry that I had ignored her for so long. After she broke my heart at the awards show, I needed some space. I couldn't just go back to normal and pretend the conversation never happened.

Now I'm sure everything's going to be fine. We're together and that's all that matters.

I love Cara and she loves me.

She is the woman of my dreams and I can’t imagine spending my life without her.

With a gentle movement, I push Cara's body away from me. She mumbles something and I'm afraid I've woken her, but I haven't. My girlfriend turns over on her other side and continues to sleep blissfully. I run my eyes down her naked back and butt before getting out of bed and pulling on my boxers. Then I leave the bedroom and go downstairs to make us breakfast. Since I've been sleeping at my house instead of at my parents' for the last few days, the fridge is full. Alex and I usually use the house as a place to sleep so we don't get on our parents' nerves or have to keep an eye on our mother.

It sits on a large piece of land that we bought two years ago. Next to this house, which belongs to the previous owner, there are two unused lots. Alex and I plan to build our own houses there someday.

Since I arrived in Nashville, my mom has been pestering me with questions about Cara. The newspaper articles were everywhere, even in Tennessee. Trying to make her understand that Cara was over didn't work very well. Instead, she wanted to motivate me to talk to Cara and forgive her.

Today, the story is very different. Cara and I are together and we want to give each other a chance.

In a good mood, I grab a carton of eggs from the refrigerator and a frying pan from the bottom drawer to make scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast. I put the pan on the ceramic stove top and drizzle some oil on it.

“Good Morning!” I jump at the sound of her voice and turn around.

“Did I wake you?” I ask and she shakes her head. Cara comes over with a smile and wraps her arms around me from behind. Her hands run down my stomach to my boxers, making it hard for me to concentrate. I definitely hadn't planned on her hands on my skin and her nimble fingers on the waistband of my shorts.

“No,” she whispers, kissing my bare shoulder. “The bed was cold and empty.”