“I need my stuff,” I say.

“What?” she asks.

“I need my things,” I repeat. “I want to go home. Where everyone is as spoiled as I am.”

Emily bites her lip, but finally stands. She seems uncomfortable with the whole thing, as does everyone else at the table - except Daisy. She grins at me smugly, as if she has finally achieved her goal.

“I didn't call you a spoiled brat,” Noah says, standing up. “But showing up here, with my friends, after everything that's happened... don't you think it's a little presumptuous?”

“I talked her into it,” Emily says, and Noah gives her a dirty look.

“Stay out of it,” he tells her.

“Leave her alone,” I defend my new friend, “What are you doing, Noah?”

“What, Cara?” he hisses, pointing at the people at the table. “These are my friends; this is my home and you come here and...”

“What am I supposed to do?” I yell, unable to believe we're discussing this right now. “You've been ignoring me for weeks, even canceling our professional appointments. I didn't see any other way out but to come here. I just want us to talk again and sort this out.”

“It's all settled for me,” he says. I throw my hands up in the air in disbelief and can't help but laugh. Is it all settled for Noah? Is he making it so easy for himself because he's offended?

“I'm leaving,” I say, looking at Emily. “Are you coming or not?”

She looks around apologetically and follows me out of the bar. I just want to get out of here.

“Cara!” she calls after me as I step out of the bar, completely dazed. “I'm sorry.”

“You?” I stop and turn around.

“Yes, of course,” she replies, embarrassed. “I didn't know that he... and... and my sister. I really didn't. I only meant well because I want things to work out with you.”

“I know that,” I say, running my fingers through my hair, “but it's completely fucked and Daisy's and Noah's words and ... I don't know what else to do.”

Emily comes over and takes me in her arms. I cuddle up to her and sob.

“He ignores me and doesn't give me a chance to explain or apologize. Alex says he's here, but only because I ran into him at a Starbucks. I've done things wrong in the past, yes. But Noah hasn't done everything right either.”

“I know,” Emily sighs. “I'll take you home for now, okay? Then you can always fly to Boston in the morning.”

“Okay,” I say quietly and look back at the bar, hoping desperately that Noah will come out and talk to me, but the door doesn't move.

“Come on,” she says, pushing me in front of her. “Tomorrow is another day.”



The night on Emily's couch was anything but restful. That was partly because I lay awake half the night thinking about my fight with Noah. I still can't believe he talked to Daisy about me. To her of all people. Noah knows I want nothing to do with her.

I made a mistake and I wouldn't be traveling to this goddamn small town in Tennessee if I didn't care about him. I want to be with him.

“Don't look like that!” I jump up and look at Emily. She's sitting in the chair in front of me with a steaming cup of coffee in her hand. “It gives you wrinkles. Coffee?”

I pull myself up and take the cup from her.

“Thanks,” I mumble. “That wasn't necessary.”

“No problem,” she says with a grin. “You look like you could use it.”