“Hello, Mrs. McCarter,” Cara says with a smile and walks over to her. “Thank you so much for inviting me.”
“You don't have to thank me,” my mother replies immediately. “And please call me Charlotte.”
Mom gives me a grinning look.
“Come in, come in. Logan and Alex are watching TV with your dad.”
She looks at me again, then at Cara and turns to go into the house. Cara still looks a little nervous because of my mom's behavior as I walk up to her.
“Are you okay?” I ask, pulling her close. I keep catching myself seeking her closeness and wanting to have her with me. It feels too good to miss. Especially since we had sex - which was absolutely amazing. I'm not averse to doing it again, but I can't tell how Cara feels about it.
She looks up at me, and I wrap my arms around her. I put my hands behind her back and grin at her.
“I think so,” she says. “And you?”
“Me too.”
“I hope your mom isn't thinking the wrong thing?”
“Believe me,” I sigh. “She believes what she wants to believe since I said I was bringing someone. No matter what we say. Don't worry about it.”
“Someone or me?”
“You,” I say, searching her eyes. I want to lean down and kiss Cara, but I can't. My parents and brothers are probably standing behind the curtains in the house like the cavalry, just waiting for us to kiss. Cara doesn't want a relationship, she's not ready.
“Maybe we should go inside,” she says. “What do you think?”
“We should,” I say, pulling away from her. I take two steps back and grin at her.
“Come on, come on. I'll get our luggage later.”
Cara nods and joins me. Smiling, she leads me to the house and we enter. I am immediately surrounded by the familiar surroundings of my childhood. We often offered to buy our parents a bigger and better house, but they always refused. They thought that just because their sons were earning millions, they didn't have to snap and give up their home.
“You can hang your jacket on the coat rack,” I say, taking off mine. Cara complies and follows me into the living room.
As my mom had announced, Dad, Alex and Logan are sitting in front of the TV. My brothers are on the couch and Dad is in the massage chair he got for his birthday a few months ago. Cara looks around curiously. Our jerseys are hanging on the wall above the big TV. There are photos all over the place. Mom can't get enough of showing off her sons.
“Hello,” I say, smiling at her. “Let me introduce you.”
“Hello,” Cara says shyly and my mother smiles at her. She clearly likes her. I can tell by the way she looks at her. She has the wildest fantasies in her head about Cara and me. She would probably prefer Cara to be my girlfriend, but she isn't.
“This is Cara,” I introduce her. “Cara, this is my dad, Peter, and my big brother, Logan. You already know, Alex.”
“Hello,” she says again, raising her hand. “I'm glad to be here.”
“We're glad you're here,” Logan says, standing up to shake Cara's hand. “You definitely got the quieter twin.”
Logan winks at me and I roll my eyes. Alex protests, of course, and gives Cara a kiss on the cheek as he passes.
“Hello, Cara,” Dad says, smiling at her. “You'll have to excuse these three childish boys. They're still the same rascals from Tennessee.”
“No problem,” she says. “It's really great to be here. What are you watching?”
She walks past me to the TV.
“A replay of Logan's game from last week,” he answers. “Do you like football?”
I can't help but laugh softly. Alex joins in and hands me a beer.