I send the e-mail and place the MacBook on the table in front of me. Then I go to my closet to pick out a comfortable sweat suit for the evening. But I don't get very far because my e-mail program stops me again. Stupid as I am, I turn on my heel and hurry back. I flop down on the couch and reach for my laptop.
To: Cara Catherine Corse
From: Noah McCarter
Subject: Date!
The subject line says how important my e-mail is!
Here is my number so you can reach me.
+1 66 8888888
I puff out my cheeks and don't know whether to laugh or cry. Noah is so rude and kind of cute at the same time. He wants this so much, but I can't just casually text him. Grinning, I start typing another e-mail.
To: Noah McCarter
From: Cara Catherine Corse
Subject: Thank you
Thanks for the number, but unfortunately, I left my work cell phone at the office today.
Have a great evening.
I'm more than curious to see how he responds.
When my phone beeps - and not my e-mail program - I reach for it. At first, I think Marina or a friend has written to me, but when an unlisted number appears on the screen, I have a different feeling.
My first thought about who it belongs to is confirmed by the message preview on the lock screen.
My heart races and I tap the message with trembling fingers.
*+1 66 8888888: That’s the number!
Grinning, I type a reply.
*Cara: That's harassment!
*Noah: Not when all I can think about is you!
I open my mouth and close it again when the damn thing in my hand rings. He's calling!
Getting Cara's private cell phone number was a piece of cake. After leaving her office, I knew I had to meet this woman.
She is amazing.
Not only is Cara incredibly good-looking, intelligent, and works in my industry - which she knows inside and out because of her father, so she will understand my tight schedule. No, she's also funny and sweet. At first, I tried to get the receptionist to give me her number, but she was tight-lipped. Then it occurred to me that she must have contacts in Boston NFL circles because of her father. And bingo! Several of my teammates sent me her number. Of course, I was skeptical that it might be the wrong one. Guys like to make fun of those things, but when our tight end Toby Carson sent me the same number, I was sure it was right. Toby and Cara grew up together. His dad and her dad played together for the Boston Foxes in the 1990s.
Now I'm sitting on my couch, excited as a schoolboy, waiting for her to take my call. The phone rings twice more before her voice comes out.