I puff out my cheeks and shake my head.
“What happened at the awards show was ... a disaster, and I felt so insulted.”
“You felt insulted?” I ask. “You announced that I was taken when I was never taken. How was I supposed to react?”
Noah takes a deep breath and within seconds there is nothing left of his gentle expression.
“All you had to do was admit that you felt more than friendship for me. That's all I asked, Cara. Of course, I didn't think it was funny that this Dick...”
“Brick,” I correct him.
“Brick,” he snarls. “Was hitting on you. I heard you say it. We were never just friends, Cara. At least from my end. I wanted to know you from day one.”
“Noah, I...”
“No,” he cuts me off harshly. “You listen to me now! I understand that you're scared and worried about your childhood and your father. And yes, I can't offer you a life like a mechanic or a lawyer can, but I ... I just want you. You've been the only woman in my life for weeks. When we first met... you... you walked into the room and... and I was completely taken by you. After Alex finally persuaded me to talk to you and I blew it the first time, you weren't there when I came back.”
I look at him with a grin, because I remember our first meeting very well.
“I tried everything to convince you and after we had sex for the first time, you got to know my family and we spent more and more time together ...” He takes a deep breath. “I ... I thought it would be easy.”
“Noah ... you can't believe that,” I mumble. “We didn't just get together out of the blue. It didn't even come up that you wanted a serious relationship.”
“But we're not teenagers anymore and we're always asking if we're together,” he replies. “And to me, that's what we were - together.”
“Noah, I...” I stammer. “I made a mistake, and yes, it shouldn't have escalated like that at the awards show, but I... I felt so trapped and I... I had my principles.”
“Fuck your principles!” he yells. “Forget them, Cara. I'm here and I want to be with you. I want to make you happy and...”
“And you're a football player.”
“That's right,” he says. “But we both live in Boston and we might be apart two days every two weeks. Sometimes three weeks in the summer because I'm at training camp. And ... and if you don't want kids because ... because I don't have time, we'll wait. That's not a problem, but please, give us a chance.”
I stare at him open-mouthed and can't make a sound.
Noah sighs and takes a step towards me. “Please?”
“Maybe I got a little carried away,” I admit. “And maybe I should have done things differently.”
“Maybe?” Noah raises his eyebrows and grins. “Don't you think you should take the ‘maybe’ out of that sentence?”
“Yeah, okay!” I call. “I'll cross it out. I should have given you a chance and not put my stupid principles before my happiness.”
“It's okay,” he says, taking a step toward me. “Seriously, Cara. I want this. I want you and no other woman. I'm not interested in another woman.”
He groans in annoyance and rolls his eyes.
“I mean it this time,” I insist. “What did you say to her? Where did you get the idea to tell her that?”
He runs his hands over his face and moans.
“I was frustrated and I got drunk with her...”
“With her?” I hiss. “Noah!”
“Nothing happened between us and nothing ever will. Daisy loves Alex.”