Hardin and Kaleb’s place.
They’ll be here, too.
You told them about me?
I did.
We just want to talk.
It’s important.
Your father came to my apartment yesterday.
He’d tried to call me after the last message, but I didn’t answer. I couldn’t bring myself to pick up the phone. I wasn’t ready to hear his voice yet. And I didn’t want to do this over the phone. And not with Hardin and Kaleb hovering no more than three feet away while we had the text conversation.
Did he hurt you?
Hardin and Kaleb’s place, midnight tomorrow. See for yourself.
I’ll be there.
I didn’t make him any promises.
I didn’t tell him Hardin and Kaleb wouldn’t attempt to hurt him or take him captive.
For all I knew, Aodhán might take one step into the yard and Hardin would shoot him dead before a single word left his mouth. The way he looked right now, I wouldn’t put it past him.
But Kaleb was right. He would come. I couldn’t say exactly how I knew, just that I did.
“How much longer?”
The time on my screen read 11:55pm. I clenched my teeth.
“Five minutes,” Kaleb answered for me, but as he spoke, the vines covering the wood fence lining the property shivered. The wood creaked as pale hands clamped over the top and a dark shape climbed over to drop with a muted thud on the grass.
Aodhán unfurled to his full height slowly as Kaleb jumped to his feet and drew his weapon. Hardin and Kaleb held their aim on a seemingly unarmed Aodhán.
“Uh.” He raised his hands, his white teeth and brilliant green eyes catching the moonlight as he took in the brothers. “Good to see you both again. Kaleb, you’re looking better than the last time I saw you. You’re welcome, by the way.”
“You fucking shot me.”