“Toby!” Becca hissed.
I cleared my throat. “Kaleb, a word?”
At my voice, the room went silent with only Primal Ethos’ Gravedigger filling the space as my brother got to his feet with a heavy sigh, muttering to Becca that we’d be right back.
Becca’s face paled as she watched him go, her throat bobbing. Guilt ate at me with every step for taking the moment from her. For being the one to yet again replace the smile on her lips with a frown.
But now wasn’t the fucking time for drinks and friends. Didn’t Kaleb get that?
I jerked my chin to my bedroom door and Kaleb went inside with me on his heels. I shut the door behind us, but left it open a crack so we could hear them chatting in the living room.
“What the fuck is this?”
“They just showed up, man. What was I supposed to do?”
“Send them the fuck home.”
I sneered down at the mug in his hand. “I need you sharp Kaleb. I can’t leave her with you if you’re going to?—”
“Jesus. It’s fucking coffee, Hardin.”
I opened my mouth to argue. To point out the music. The lack of precaution. The distraction, but Kaleb continued.
“Pope was right outside until five minutes ago and Becca’s not drinking, either. She’s making a show of it for her friends, but she’s barely touched her drink. Did you really fucking think I would just say fuck it and drink myself into oblivion the second you left?”
The accusation—the hurt—in his hard stare stung more than I wanted to admit. I wanted to say no but the truth was yes, it’d been my first thought when Pope said there was a party, and I wouldn’t deny it.
“Wow,” Kaleb said on a breath. “Glad to know you think so fucking highly of me, Brother.”
I knew it wasn’t just this that had me fired up and realizing that brought at least a sliver of mental clarity. What we did earlier at the gun range…
It had taken every vestige of mental and physical restraint not to drag Becca from that table. Not to snatch her up and steal her for myself. I was glad she had Kaleb. Someone to make her smile and laugh. Someone she could be relaxed with. Who would pump her up and make her feel like the queen she was.
But knowing about them and seeing it—participating—that had been different, and I’d been of two very different fucking minds about it since this afternoon.
All through the meet with the boys in blue, I replayed the look of pure unadulterated pleasure in her eyes as Kaleb ate her out and fucked her in the ass. I wanted that pleasure all to myself. I wanted to be the one to give it to her. I’d never shared a woman before today. Kaleb and I fucked the same chicks, sure, but never together. Not like this.
And definitely fucking not with someone I…
Two little taps on the door preceded Becca poking her head in. She looked around at the space, surprised to find my room all put back together, the broken things cleared away.
“Hey,” she said as she came inside, pushing a few stray strands of hair behind her ear. “Is everything okay? How did it go?”
“They’re in,” I replied.
“Shit, really?” Kaleb said, his eyes widening. “I didn’t think—I mean. Damn. This is a huge win.”
Becca visibly relaxed, some of the tension around her eyes softening. “That’s really good news, right?”
“They won’t join us,” I explained in as few words as possible. “But they’ve agreed to be our eyes and ears on the ground.”
Kaleb deflated, but I could tell he was maintaining his expression for Becca’s sake.
“That could still be the difference,” he said and reached for Becca’s hand. She let him take it and she squeezed it in hers.
“And there’s still no sign that the Sons know you guys are trying to turn the smaller gang back to our side?”
Kaleb and I shared a look, and I knew he caught it, too. The way she said our side. Like she was one of us. She was, I realized, but I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing. Or a thing she should want.