Page 59 of Ruthless Reign

We’d made this play before.

And there was only one reason Da would take their weapons. We didn’t need them. We came in on the ship from Ireland with enough firepower to take the whole damned state if we wanted to.

Kaleb’s lips moved, but I couldn’t hear what he said. The words were meant only for his brother. His eyes flicked across my father’s ranks, settling on me.

I gave my head the smallest, nearly imperceptible shake.

Don’t do it.

His brows lowered, confused.

Don’t fucking do it, mate.

I held his stare, but as Da turned around, I had to break it, stand taller. “Pauly, Darragh, collect their weapons, would you?”

“That wasn’t part of the deal,” Damien argued as the men broke rank to cross the expanse of dirt that marked the line between our two gangs. “We can get you the missing part of the payment. Just let me send?—”

“Do you take me for a fool?”

“What? No. I?—”

“This is the time for payment, Damien.” Da seethed, and I could sense the thing inside of him waking up, rearing its ugly head as he bristled. “Here and now. Not later. Not tomorrow. Now. If you’d prefer, I can take the payment by my preferred method.”

Da lifted his gun from the holster at his low back and Diesel drew at the same time.

Da grinned, licking his lips.

“Do you really want to do that?” Da asked, his tone lowering to a dangerous level. “With your wife and sons in my men’s crosshairs?”

He tsked.

The struggle was plain on Damien’s face. The visceral need to avenge his fallen man and protect his family, his territory. The knowledge that shooting my father here and now might mean spelling the demise of everyone else he loves.

He dropped his weapon and I sensed Da’s triumph even from here as he easily lowered his weapon and nodded to Darragh and Pauly to do as he asked.

“Do it,” Damien hissed, tossing his gun into the sand and raising his hands as Pauly collected the weapon.

“Dad,” Kaleb hissed as Darragh held out his hands to the two sons of the Saint. “Dad, we’re not fucking doing this shit.”

But Damien saw how it was. We outnumbered them here two to one. And Da had his snipers in the hills. I didn’t think he fucked with any Saint safehouses this time. But by now Damien knew Da meant business and wouldn’t hesitate to take another of his men or someone closer to him if he didn’t do as he was asked.

“Kaleb,” Damien growled.

His nostrils flared as he shoved his gun into Darragh’s waiting hand.

If they’d refused, it was a fifty-fifty chance Da would’ve risked the fight. He might’ve ended the meet with only the promise of retribution. Let it hang over their heads a few days before striking where it would hurt the most.

No turning back now.

Darragh and Pauly returned with the weapons, showing Da their bounty on their way back. Da pursed his lips.

“We’re square,” Damien said, his voice dripping venom.

“For the missing payment, we are,” Da replied.


“You see,” Da said, rolling his shoulders back in a stretch that meant trouble. “A little birdy told me you’ve been talkin’, Damien.”