Page 81 of Soulless Saint

I was reminded again of my cousins’ arrangement or rather their shared relationship with Ava Jade. Neither Grey nor Rook seemed even a little perturbed that their adoptive brother was getting his rumored to be massive cock all up in their girl right now.

“What’s with the face?” Grey asked, sliding onto the sofa next to where I stood. Rook fell to his ass on the other side, putting his Jack to his lips.

He held it out in offer to me, giving the brown liquid inside the glass bottle a swirl, but in a totally unforeseen turn of events, I realized I didn’t want a drink. I’d barely finished the one I had on the dance floor earlier.

I shook my head and sat down between my cousins just as Ava Jade–aka the Saint’s Dagger—and Corvus James—aka The Bone Man—entered the room. They knocked into each other’s shoulders, AJ with a flush to her cheeks and Corvus still sporting a half chub through his pants. Not that I was trying to look, he was just that big, making it hard to fucking miss, especially in sweatpants.

“Kind of you to join your own party,” Grey joked, rising to wrap AJ up in a big hug, pressing his lips to her neck. “Amazing show, AJ,” he whispered to her and then smacked her ass. “Not that I’d expect anything less.”

Hardin and Corvus caught up with each other near the drink fridge, chatting in hushed tones, no doubt about the threat further south. I just hoped he wasn’t saying shit Dad wouldn’t want him to. There was a fine line between warning our sister chapter of the Saints and getting them involved in something that wasn’t rightfully their problem.

“Hey,” Rook chided AJ when she tried to make for the snacks, snagging her wrist to look her intently in the eyes. “Best concert I’ve ever been to, Ghost.”

AJ leaned down to whisper something in Rook’s ear that made his Adam’s apple bob in his throat. Then she skipped to the snacks.

I couldn’t help a small smile at their fucked up love rectangle. Or square or whatever. It really seemed to work for them.

“Can I ask you something?” I posed the question to both my cousins.

“Shoot,” Rook said, sighing as he pulled a coin from his inside jacket pocket, flipping it edge over edge over his knuckles.

I rubbed the back of my neck, unsure exactly how to phrase what I wanted to know. “This, uh, thing, whatever it is, with you guys and Ava Jade…”

Grey smirked as if he already knew where this was headed.

“How does it work?” I blurted out before I could change my mind, my gaze lifting to my brother in the makeshift kitchen area. If his little mural of Becca Hart told me anything, it was that he was a lot more interested in the girl than I originally thought.

And since I’d decided she was going to be mine, that posed a bit of an issue.

“How does what work?” Grey asked, enjoying this way too much. “You mean, do we each get a hole, or…”

I shoved him. “Don’t fucking tease. I’m serious.”

Grey sobered at the sincerity in my tone. I genuinely wanted to know. No. I needed to know.

“All right man, sorry. The truth is I don’t really know how it works, just that it… does.”

“Rook?” I hedged, curious if he had a different answer. Anything that would be even remotely helpful. Because the truth was I hadn’t only noticed the attention my brother was paying Becca, but also the attention she was paying him. Namely, the way she looked at him whenever he was near her.

When he wasn’t paying attention: like she wanted to unravel him.

And when he was: like she would like nothing more than to douse him in gasoline and set him on fire.

Rook pursed his lips, shifting a bit in his seat as he considered it and then clicked his tongue. “I got nothing.”


He leaned forward over his knees, knocking the bottle of Jack onto the weird ass coffee table as he turned to me. “It just happened naturally, man. It was clear from the start that we all liked her. We all wanted her. And in some fucked up twist of fate she also happened to want all of us. You know, after she was done pretending she hated our asses.”

“That’s it?”

“Pretty much,” Grey answered for Rook. “It never felt wrong. Not really. And we never asked her to choose, which I think made it easier for her to accept.”

“And you never got jealous of each other?”

They shared a look. “Not enough for it to matter,” Grey said.

“I know where Ghost and I stand. That’s all I need.”