I darted forward, heedless of the meat sacks in my path as I hurtled in the direction she headed, my predator’s gaze in hunting for long, dark hair. Long, lean legs. A black dress with cutouts in the sides and an open back revealing smooth, pale skin.
A whip of black hair and I parried left, grabbing her by the arm. A face I didn’t recognize twisted to face me, draining of all color. I let her go, lifting myself high in time to catch a flash of her as she slung herself around the corner into the hallway leading to the bathrooms.
Got you.
I knocked several faceless bodies to the ground as I marched out from the cluster of fans and into the corridor, picking up my pace. Her scent filled the air, and I zeroed in on it with the sort of focus only I could achieve, passing door after door, my back lifting with each great inhale as I tracked her further. Deeper into the areas of the building not meant for fans.
A security guard stood at the end of the long hall. He lifted his chin, recognizing me. I pointed down deeper into the building with an arched brow. He nodded.
She went in there.
I gestured for him to block the way, no one in or out, and he fell into place behind me as I ventured into the shadowy passageway that I knew for a fact led to nothing more than an old equipment and instrument storage area with only one exit. One exit that the owners locked from the outside on concert nights so no one without a ticket could get in.
The music from the main stadium was reduced to nothing more than background noise from here. Loud enough to block out most sound, but not clear enough to make out most of the words Ava Jade and Corvus were singing.
As if on fucking cue, the rattle of chains broke through the distant synth and base, and I whipped my head to the right, making for the exit doors.
The area around it was packed with shelves and old speakers that were even taller than me, left to collect dust.
The chains rattled louder, and I shoved the speaker to my right, sending it toppling to the ground with a muted thud.
Becca let out a short scream.
I pushed the next one from my path.
And the next.
The shelf standing between us went down in a symphony of broken glass and clattering metal and Becca finally gave up her attempt at escape, turning to press her back flat against the metal door. Her chest rose and fell rapidly as she watched me approach.
I stopped just shy of grabbing her and making her mine in ways she would never fucking forget, giving her this one chance. This one second to walk away. To tell me no. If she didn’t take it now, I wouldn’t offer it again.
Swallowing hard, I steadied my breaths and opened my mouth to speak. I just needed two words. One warning.
“One chance,” I told her, and her eyes widened at the sound of my voice, loud enough to be heard above the pounding music. Her lips parted, expression softening, opening like a fucking flower for me to steal her soul.
I flicked my eyes to the left, where there was a clear path for her escape, and back to her. I let the full weight of my true meaning show in my eyes, wanting her to see the animal that would be unleashed if she didn’t take this one chance to run. Because if I touched her again there would be no restraint. No holding back.
I’d get lost in her. In her smell. In the feel of her. In the sounds she would make as I pummeled her sweet cunt until she couldn’t walk straight for fucking days.
No amount of fight would stop me once I’d started.
Becca looked left. Looked back. Didn’t move.
My core tightened, coiling for the strike.
Time’s up.
I rushed forward and she let out a wordless exclamation as I pushed a fist into her hair, pulling tight against her scalp to angle her face upward. Her hands pressed against my chest, wide eyes slamming shut as I dove into her gasping mouth with my tongue, ravishing her. Becca moaned into my mouth as I bit down on her lower lip, running my teeth along the perfectly pillowed swell until I tasted the tang of copper on my tongue.
That only made me kiss her harder, take her deeper, until her little panting moans turned frantic. She arched her back, pushing her tits up against my chest as she reached between us, trying to find my cock.