Archer sagged between my Dad and brother, passing out, making them carry the whole of his weight.
“Wasn’t it obvious?” I asked in a husky tone. “The Sons have declared war.”
How do normal people do all this?
I was dead on my feet by four in the afternoon after spending all my soul energy on a watercolor painting that wound up looking far too much like an abstract homage to Dark and Gloomy for my liking.
A hot shower shared with Mr. Waterproof Eight Inch and a nap would have been fucking fab but no. I had to do my laundry, with Toby’s help because I couldn’t get the knobs to work. Then after that I needed to pick up some groceries because this bitch had to eat on occasion, and then it was time to drag my ass to my evening shift at the cafe.
My eyelids drooped heavily over my eyes as I sat slumped on a stool in the storage room, surrounded by the aromas of loose leaf teas and rich coffee for the two more minutes my break allowed.
I scrolled on my phone, the crack in the screen just another fuck you I couldn’t afford to fix, laughing at me with each swipe of my finger.
At least I’d have some extra cash to pad my nightstand drawer soon. Toby was practically selling an item a day. At this rate I’d have to come to work in my satin pajamas because I wouldn’t have anything left to wear. I snorted to myself at the mental image, my phone buzzing with an incoming message from my best friend.
Ava Jade: I can’t wait to meet your roomies. Are they nice to you? They better be being nice to you.
My lip twitched up into a smirk. I’d finally filled my girl in on all the shit she’d missed since Sunday. Well, the shit that wouldn’t worry her, at least. That I found an apartment and a job. That class was good but draining. That I was still vehemently single and planning to stay that way.
Becca: They’re great. You’d really like them.
I typed out another message, but hesitated before sending it.
Becca: When are you coming for a visit? I miss you.
I erased it instead.
Aves had a lot going on right now. Between the tour and everything the gang demanded of her, it wouldn’t be fair of me to make her feel bad about not being able to come. Besides, I’d see her when Primal Ethos made its way to Lodi for the show soon. That was good enough.
Ava Jade: Are you carrying that taser I gave you?
I shook my head, remembering when she pushed it into my hands before I left Thorn Valley. Go for the neck, she’d said. Or the balls. Either is fine.
It was in my closet, tucked behind the little bin where I was keeping my belts. Truth be told, I was afraid to touch the thing. With my luck I’d tase myself before I managed to tase anyone else. But she was right. I should carry it with me.
Becca: I promise I’ll put it in my purse when I get home from work.
Ava Jade: Keep it there.
Becca: Stop worrying!
Ava Jade: Never.
I clicked off my phone and slipped it into my jacket hanging from one of the hooks near the back wall. Break time was up.
Toby entered as I was leaving, removing his apron in favor of a light sweater, finished with his shift for the night. It would be just me and Kate till closing time, now.
“You good if I head out a few minutes early?” he asked.
I shrugged. “It’s dead out there. We’ll be fine.”
He pushed his arms into the sleeves of his sweater with a sigh and leaned in to brush his lips against my cheek. “See you at home, then?”
“See you at home.”
I followed him out into the space behind the long counter where Kate was helping the only customer currently in the cafe.
“Oh, wait!” Toby exclaimed. “I keep forgetting to ask: want to be my date again this weekend?”