Page 26 of Soulless Saint

But he was faster. His hand curled around my shoulder, spinning me in place while the other shoved the door back closed.

I opened my mouth to scream but the light flicked on, blinding me, striking me mute. I lifted my hands, sensing an attack and he knocked them away.

Forcing my eyes to adjust to the sudden brightness, I blinked, taking in over six feet of tattooed muscle. Familiar eyes bore into mine, confusion, shock, and lingering pain from where I kicked him glimmering over their dark surface. It was him.

The guy from outside of Death Before Decaf. The one I’d seen toss his friend into the back of a Bronco before staring me down and driving off.

Danger radiated off him in waves, and I swore I could see his skin damn near rippling with rage. He clutched his bits and piece in a protective fist with his other hand, a scowl forming on his lips.

I could tell immediately that I was not who he was expecting to see.

He released my shoulder, pushing back with a sneer, saying nothing.

“What the fuck?” I muttered, mentally kicking myself the moment the words left my lips, but I couldn’t help it. Didn’t care that he was massive and imposing and was giving off major I’ll-kill-you-vibes.

Hadn’t he heard me saying no? Regardless of the fact that no more than three seconds before that my body was saying yes, yes, yes.

My body sang with still pumping adrenaline, my heart making its own bassline in my ears, louder than the music still pumping outside the door.

He said nothing, just stared at me, disgust twisting his features. Making his full lips flatten. His cheekbones flare. His deep brown eyes darken and the tattoo above his right eyebrow warp until the word was unreadable.

He released his junk and straightened to his full height, jerking his chin crudely at the door. I didn’t need a bigger hint than that. He was telling me to fuck off.

“Fucking asshole,” I muttered to myself, not able to leave the room fast enough. I slammed the door behind myself hard enough to rattle the wooden panels in the hallway outside.

I stormed back to the kitchen, all but shoving the people out of my way until I got to the sink. I filled a plastic cup with cold water from the tap and greedily gulped it down, trying to clear my mind, calm my nerves.

A light touch on my shoulder had me whirling, ready to use the cup as a weapon, a lot of fucking good that would do, but it was just Toby. “I thought you left!” he exclaimed, his demeanor changing as he read my expression. “Shit, are you okay?”

I chucked the empty cup onto the center island with the others and swiped the back of my hand over my wet lips. “Fine. I think I’m ready to take off, though. You good if I leave you to it?”

His eyes slanted sympathetically, but he nodded. “I’ll order us an Uber. It’s getting late, anyway.”

“No,” I urged. “Don’t leave because of me. It’s just…”

It’s just what?

That I didn’t like the way Kaleb was looking at me? Or that I maybe liked it too much?

That I just accidentally walked into the bedroom of someone who could probably kill me with his pinkie finger and nearly let him finger fuck me against his bedroom door?

God. What was wrong with me?

“Don’t even worry about it. I have class in the morning anyway.”

He tapped away at his phone screen, but I stopped him. “Seriously, I’m good. Just have a bit of a headache. Stay.”

He frowned, but clicked off his phone screen and pocketed it. “Okay. As long as you’re good.”

I nodded, trying unsuccessfully to relax.

Toby pivoted so he was leaning against the counter with me. He stilled, letting out a little gasp as he popped his hip. “Do you see that?” he asked, and I could tell it was a struggle to keep his voice even. Maintain a straight face.

I followed his line of sight to where Kaleb was sitting in an oversized armchair facing our direction. The crowd was clear enough that he had a full view of where we stood, and he wasn’t wasting it.

“Oh my god,” Toby preened. “He’s totally checking me out. Act cool, Tobes.”

Toby pushed his hair back and turned to me as though he didn’t even notice Kaleb checking him out. Trying to appear flippant. But it wouldn’t have mattered anyway.