Page 90 of Hard to Fake

Behind us, the operator minds his own business. The balloon basket holds up to ten guests, but today, it’s a private flight for two. He gave us safety instructions earlier and is leaving us to ourselves. I’m guessing this is a common date activity, and I can see why.

Miles is handsome as hell. When I glance back at him, his hoodie is plastered to his hard body from the wind, his dark hair whipping around his head. He squints into the sun, surveying the view with genuine appreciation and delight.

Except he’s not looking at the scenery.

He’s looking at me.

“We never finished those date questions,” I tell him, and he grins.

“Let’s go, then.”

“My biggest fear…” I take a breath. “Is that the entire world will find out I’m not who I pretend to be. That I’m not capable or polished or organized. That even though my family did everything to give me a bright future, invested in me every step of the way, I managed to fuck it up.” I cut a look at him. “You?”

“Having to choose between things I love.”

I lean my head against his bicep. “It’s a good problem to have. If the choice is a hard one, it means you have a life worth living.”

Somewhere during appreciating how small we are up here, how much we don’t matter, I realize the truth: I’m going to be all right.

No matter the balance of my bank account or my future prospects, Miles makes me feel as though my world is in order.

The wind carries away the sound of the engine as it gushes over our heads. Beneath the basket, acres and acres of fields drift under us. The town of Vail. Even the lodge is tiny and insignificant.

Miles points toward the ground, pulling me close so his lips brush my ear. “There’s our cabin.”

“There’s Caroline.” I smudge a finger over her head. “Kidding. I won’t murder her. Or Kevin.”

It’s a joke, but Miles stiffens behind me. “It’s better if you stay away from him.”

“I was planning on it,” I say lightly.

The basket bounces on an air current, and Miles’s arms tighten around me.

“Last night, I was so angry,” I tell him. “I overreacted. But Miles… I wanted to see the whole place up in flames.”

“Maybe you need to burn some things down and start over.”

I lean back against his chest. “You’re a team player.” His chuckle rumbles through my back. “How do you do it? Especially when you don’t want to?”

He lifts a piece of my hair between his fingers, tugging lightly. “You remember why it matters.”

I twist in his arms, just enough to make eye contact. “I’m going to see Elise when we get back,” I decide. “See if she’ll meet me this afternoon. I’ll explain what happened and make her see this is the right fit.”

The flash of approval on his face lights me up. “That’s my girl.”



I stake out the main lodge until I see Elise emerge from the spa.

“There you are!” I descend on her with a broad smile. “I hope you had a wonderful massage.”

“How did you know I’d be here?”

“Luck, I guess.”

That, and Miles flirting with the spa assistant so I could sneak a look at their appointment list for the day.