Page 94 of The CEO Enemy

Back in the living room, I close the doors tight behind us.

Then I launch myself into his arms, tears rolling down my cheeks, my body shaking. Not only is my body shaking, but all my limbs, and organs (and, believe it or not, my hair too). Every single cell in my body feels like it’s doing the jitterbug, and there’s no sign of slowing down.

“Whoa, whoa, I’m okay,” he assures me, hugging me tight. His heart beats rapidly against mine, a clear aftermath of the adrenaline rush. “We’re all right, we’re both okay.”

Sean looks at Pippin. “No escapes in the future, you hear, Pippin?” he scolds him (softly).


I wrap my arms around him even tighter and squeeze. “Oh, my God.” I sob into his neck. “Sean, I saw you fall to the ground. I swear!”

“But I didn’t. And Pippin didn’t get away. It was a close call, but phew, everything’s fine.” He holds me close until I relax, stroking my head and shoulders, then draws back and pushes the hair away from my face as his lips turn up in an amused smirk. “I guess that means you must really love me, huh?”

I can’t even joke at this point.

“I’m so sorry,” I whisper, my eyes locked on his. “You’re a hero, you know that? Risking yourself for a tiny creature. You risked everything for Pippin, and I?—”

“It’s okay.” He smiles weakly, interrupting me. “Told you I still had to deliver my most compelling argument.”

I’m still not ready for his jokes.

“I’d do it again for you and that little bird,” he says, “or for anyone attempting to escape your apartment.”

“Sean, stop, you don’t understand. I was so scared! Horrified!”

He studies me with those shining, dark-green eyes. He tips up my chin. “Because you can’t live without me. Because I’m the best thing that’s ever happened to you. Because I’m the man of your dreams. Because I’m the best—and only—man there is for you. You can’t deny it. You love me. You love your Spider-Man.” He winks and more tears spill from my cheeks. “Tell me you do.”

“I do, Spider-Man, I do! That was so epic!” Tension leaves my body. “Just kiss me already.”

I don’t need to tell him twice. He brings me close and seals his lips over mine.

The doubts I’ve been replaying in my mind, the fear and the uncertainty suddenly mean so little. In those agonizingly slow minutes where I thought I might lose him, it brought everything clear into focus. He loves me. He outright told me that he’s in love with me, and I’m undeniably in love with him.

I’m head over heels for my own Peter Parker.

He’s not just better, he’s a bit scarier too. And grumpier.

And the best thing that ever happened to me.

Who would have thought? Sean Peter Blackwood. My next-door neighbor. My Mr. Grumpy King. My kissing friendly fake fiancé. My forbidden Mr. CEO. He’s my superhero, willing to swoop in and risk everything, only to make me happy. He literally stepped out on a ledge for me, without a second thought, and showed me how much he cared, how much I can trust him.

Even though it’s still terrifying, even though I’m still scared beyond reason, not only because of what just happened, but because of what’s to come, because of us—I know that being without him would be a million times worse.

That moment of fear was enough to put things in perspective. Drawing back, I try to catch my breath while he continues to pepper my lips with beautiful, tender kisses.

“How are…we going to do…this?” I ask between kisses, my breathing quickening.

“Every way we can.” He nods, rumbling against my lips. “But probably me on top first.”

I draw back. “No. Not that. I mean, this relationship. Working together.”

Grinning, he says, “I know. We’ll figure it out, baby. Who gives a fuck? Right now, there’s something more important on my mind.”

Those strong arms of his sweep me off my feet in a hurry, and he rushes me to the bedroom. It’s like we have no more time to waste. Eagerly, I slide a hand in his hair and kiss him, reveling in the firm press of his lips. The lips I thought I wouldn’t ever get to feel again.

There are still questions that need answering, “logistics” that need to be discussed. But we can do that later. We don’t need to have all the answers right now.

Right now, all we need is each other.