I’m surprised to find Sean standing there with his signature well-fitted suit. Despite the fact he worked an extra-long day yesterday—I only heard him arrive home after eleven p.m. before I dozed off again—he appears well rested. He hadn’t texted me or anything saying he was going to pop over in the morning before work.
I want to ask, Hey, you missed me that much? but instead, I ask, “Hey, everything okay?” and point at the clock. It reads 7:32 a.m.
He doesn’t usually stop by in the mornings, and it’s hard to tell by his expression how he’s feeling. “Yeah, everything’s fine,” he assures me. “I figured since I’m up early, and on property today, I’d save you some gas and drive you in.”
His response takes me by surprise. Aside from the one time I left my car at the hotel, we drive separately because we typically don’t leave at the same time. It’s also more discreet that way.
“Oh, okay,” I say. “Are you sure?”
Sean slips his hands into his pockets and shrugs. “Sure, why not?”
“I just assumed it wasn’t appropriate or so people would get the wrong idea.”
“I don’t care about that. It just makes more sense to take one car since I’m going to be at the hotel all day.”
“Driving together sounds great. Goodbye, Pippin!” I call into my apartment. “Be a good birdie while I’m gone.” Pippin twitters in response, fluffing his feathers and giving a little hop.
I lock the door behind me, and we walk toward the elevator.
I understand there are practical reasons for carpooling, like convenience and being eco-friendly, but perhaps he genuinely missed me. “You just want us to drive together for the hell of it?” I ask.
“Is that such a strange concept?”
“For you? Yes.”
“All right, well, that’s vaguely insulting,” he grumbles. “There are no ulterior motives.”
As we step onto the elevator, and he presses the button next to me, he leans in and growls into my ear, “Well, maybe one.”
He slips his arm around my waist and pulls me close. “I enjoy the distraction you provide.”
“I distract you?”
The next thing I know, his mouth is on mine, and I’m pressed against his chest. I melt into his kiss, sliding my arms around his strong shoulders. When he draws away, he fixes me with a mind-numbing look. “You have no idea,” he grumbles darkly, “how much you distract me.”
Instant desire.
God, I can’t handle it when his voice is this low and he’s leaning in this close.
I swear this man is going to kill me before we even get to work. “Oh, yeah? Good distraction or…bad distraction?” I manage to ask, sounding way too breathy.
“Bad,” he rumbles and winks at me. “So very bad.”
Sean Blackwood has the cutest wink.
It’s a rare sight, but when it happens, his long lashes do this flutter that somehow highlights the depth of his dark, forest-green eye color. There’s an undeniable charm in the way his eye crinkles slightly. It’s one of those things that always catches me by surprise and never fails to make my heart skip a beat.
When I keep staring, he winks again (can he read my thoughts?), even cuter this time.
Without a second thought, I press the “Emergency Stop” button.
I mean, any rational person would.
The elevator jerks to a halt, making Sean raise an eyebrow, and a tiny grin tugs at his lips. I take full advantage and throw my arms around his neck. His mouth crashes onto mine as he shoves me against the wall. I hook a leg around the back of his so that every part of us is touching.
“You want us to be late, huh?” he mumbles against my lips, hands already shoving my skirt up. His cock presses into my pelvis, hard, long, thick.