She playfully nudges me with her elbow. “Quit it, you goofball.”
I reach over and snag one of the avocado rolls (a clear fuck-up from the drive-through). “Goofball? Well, that’s a first.”
She chuckles. “Ha! Breaking new ground, aren’t we?”
We keep eating while we watch the sun rise through her bedroom windows. The sky goes from dark blue to light, broken by the occasional fluffy cloud. Once all the rolls have found their way into our stomachs, Jess cozies up on my chest. Her gaze lingers on my right arm, where a geometric tattoo wraps around my bicep, its lines subtly resembling tulip leaves.
“What’s the tattoo for?” she asks, her voice curious.
“It’s for my mother,” I reply softly, leaving it at that.
Her eyes flicker with understanding.
“I see,” Jess says quietly, letting the matter drop. “Too bad we have to go to work today,” she remarks and runs her fingers across my skin. “I’m too comfortable. I don’t wanna go anywhere.”
“Indeed, it would be rather pleasant to indulge in a whole day of lovemaking and sushi consumption.”
“It would definitely be an amazing day off. Too bad we have a group in, otherwise I definitely would suggest we do that.”
“I mean, we’re the bosses. We could do it.”
The idea of staying here, further exploring Jess’s body while the rest of the world gets shut out is tempting. Which is saying something, considering I’m not the type of man to miss work at the drop of a hat. I can count on one hand the number of times I wasn’t in the office last year.
Jess looks up at me with those wide blue eyes. “You continue to surprise me.”
“What do you mean? I’ve unleashed my wild side more times than I can count. You’ve witnessed it, if memory serves.”
She laughs out loud. “True, but that’s not what I’m talking about.” She pauses for a moment, almost as if she’s not sure if she should say what’s on her mind, which is funny, considering she’s never been shy about sharing her feelings before. “I’ll be honest, when I woke up this morning, I half-expected you not to be here.”
Now I know why she hesitated. I don’t know how I feel about that.
Then again, I really can’t fault her, considering the first time we were together I ended the show early. I assumed she’d moved past it, but clearly it still bothers her to some degree.
“You have my assurance that I’m not going to leave you high and dry like I did the first time,” I assure her. With a smirk, I add, “Plus, you know where I live and work, and disappearing on you would be hard to pull off.”
My tone is light and teasing, meant to put her at ease but also reassure her that I’m not considering this a one-time deal. After all that we’ve tackled together, it’s clear that’s not going to happen. I don’t want it to happen. Even now, I want to run my hands up and down that soft, freckled skin and kiss her neck until she’s squirming underneath me, pleading for my cock.
She laughs, her arm sliding around my waist and her leg tangling with mine. “You’re right, I know how to find you. If you had tried that stunt this morning, I definitely would have given you a piece of my mind.” She pokes me in the chest, hard, and yep, my body reacts to her touch.
I playfully bite her poke-finger, eliciting a surprised squeak from her.
“I’d rather have a piece of something else.” I reach down and give her ass a small slap.
She twitches in response and lets out a surprise squeak. “Play your cards right…and I may just let you.”
My dick’s twitches intensify. I pull her onto me, burying my hand in her hair and pulling her into a kiss. Jess responds, stretching along me like a feline. I lay us down, losing myself in her touch and eager mouth.
That slow steady pace we started last night hasn’t left. This time, it’s Jess who starts to kiss her way down, starts to explore with her hands and mouth.
I’m more than happy to let her.
My breathing picks up as her tongue traces the hard lines of my chest. I move the tangle of brown hair away from her face so I can watch her expression as she descends. She looks up at me through her lashes, her warm eyes filled with that mischief and fire I’m quickly learning to appreciate.
She pushes the blankets aside as she settles below my waist. That mouth and that tongue I’ve been kissing are now wrapped around my dick. I groan, my head falling back as my hips jerk.
Staying the night is definitely proving beneficial.