Page 1 of The CEO Enemy




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Your delivery has been left at your front door. Enjoy!

Excited, I hop out of the shower, singing along to “MMMBop” by Hanson.

I don’t want to leave my delivery out in the hall too long. Either it’ll get cold, or someone will walk by and snatch it, which sadly, has happened before.

Not on my watch.

The thought alone is enough to light a fire under my ass. Honestly, if that’s the worst thing that happens today, then I’m doing better than great.

Opening the front door, I inhale the fresh air drifting into my apartment. May’s warmth has replaced the chill of winter, and spring has firmly taken hold. My favorite season.

With a bounce in my step, I leave my apartment to pick up my order. It has been placed a few steps away, and excitedly, I twirl toward it. A considerable breeze blows through the open balcony doors, and I realize what’s going to happen a second before it does.

The front door slams behind me.

Happiness turns to panic. I jiggle the handle and swear under my breath.

Locked. Of course.

“Well, shit.”

I weigh my options. Here I am in my towel, yogurt-cucumber mask on my face, locked out of my apartment with a bag of food. The superintendent is several floors down, but I don’t want to take the elevator in my towel with no shoes—because, gross. Besides, he’s been giving me the creeps, especially with the way he stares at my boobs. Nope, I’m good.

I have two neighbors down the hall: Lottie and Antoine. But they left for Paris in the early morning and won’t be back any time soon.

Then I remember that someone just moved into the apartment next door and a brilliant idea comes to mind. Our balconies aren’t too far apart. I can get back into my apartment from theirs.

Since the apartment has been empty for a long time, I’m dying to know as to who they are. Lottie caught sight of a man moving in, and upon my return from my trip to Scottsdale, she cautioned me that he’s a very unfriendly character. Apparently, he didn’t even bother with a simple “Hi” and instead, seemed to communicate through growls. Classic Lottie, with her flair for exaggeration. He’s likely the regular friendly guy next door—poor Lottie just caught him in the midst of moving in.

After making sure the corner of my towel’s tucked in, I knock on the door. “Hello?”

I know someone is home because I can hear the TV news. There’s some movement, but it doesn’t seem like they’re coming to answer.

After a few seconds, I knock again, only louder this time.

“Hello? Anyone home? I need help!” I knock repeatedly. The door opens a second later. “Hi, there, sorry to bother y—whoa.”

I can’t believe I said that out loud, but I’m not even a little embarrassed about it.

He towers over me. The hottest man I’ve ever seen in my damn life.

This man is at least six foot one, rippling muscles, thick dark hair, chiseled jaw (under that thick weekend stubble), bright-green eyes piercing into my soul…and not a damn stitch of clothing on. Yeah. He’s standing there completely naked. And here I am thinking that me in my small-ish pink towel, wearing nothing underneath, is weird. My eyes keep straying south—they have a mind of their own. I can’t help but catch more than just a glimpse of the view below the horizon.

Yep. There’s his dick.

Believe me, I’m as surprised as anyone else here. Even in its “relaxed” state, it’s long and thick. Or is he half-hard? Because the size is quite impressive. Easily eight inches. Maybe nine. I’m staring…and disbelieving…and staring…until I realize what I’m doing and quickly avert my gaze back to his face.

My new neighbor looks alarmed, mad even, as if he’s rushed to the door without bothering to dress.

His plump lips turn down in a frown as he stares at my face and the thick yogurt mask I slathered on this morning.