Page 100 of The CEO Enemy

I grab her and lift her up. Her legs fit easily around my waist, and I take her without hesitation. No matter how many times I’m inside her, it’s never enough. I’m never going to get tired of it.

“Just like…that, Sean.” She moans my name, her hair plastered to her face as the shower rains down on us. I think about our first meeting, the infamous pink towel incident, and how I caught that first glimpse of the body that continues to drive me crazy. If I had only known how good she was for me, I would have made her mine right then and there.

By the time we finish, her mouth is attached to mine, even as I reach over to turn the water off.

“We’re going to be late if you don’t stop,” she reminds me, while she’s still nipping at my lips despite her own words.

“We’re the bosses,” I grumble. “We can go in whenever we want.”

“Normally, yes, I’d agree,” she reluctantly draws away, “but I have to hit the office today to school Pauline.”

“All right. Go take care of your responsibilities.” I reach for our towels. “And hurry up.”

“Ugh, fiiiiine.” Jess sighs dramatically as she accepts her towel and wraps it around herself.

“I know. The sheer dread of being a responsible adult.”

Ihead over to the closet where I have my few suits hanging. Most of our stuff is in storage right now in preparation for the construction, except the bigger pieces of furniture and my treadmill. Our essentials are in a suite at the hotel, where we’re going to be staying in the meantime. Jess is going to bring Pippin and Pippa with her today in their pet carrier, and the movers are going to collect the rest of the stuff once we head out.

I can hear Jess humming as she gets ready, and when I look over to see her getting dressed, I’m hit with such a wave of emotion that my heart races. Jess catches me staring and smiles.

“What?” she asks. “Why are you staring at me?”

“Marry me.”

We haven’t really talked about it much, other than to say we want to down the line. For me, that’s too far away. I want her to be my wife as soon as possible. After all, why wait, when we know this is it—for the both of us?

Her eyes are wide. “Now?” she asks.

Chuckling, I toss my suit jacket onto the bed and cross the room to take her hands. “Not right now, but soon.” I give her a smile. “Tomorrow,” I tease.

She laughs. “We haven’t been together very long.”

“So? We’re engaged, after all.”


“True, but it’s a fun kind of fake. We’re rocking it.”

Jess breathes out, and then she leans against the wall. “I don’t know, hmm, hmm,” she teases. “This is so sudden. And…you don’t even have a ring.”

True to her word, Jess had returned the fake engagement ring, which led to me receiving a call from a friendly sales lady and an offer of in-store credit. I respected Jess’s decision. Having a fake ring on her hand that reminded her of Richard wasn’t in my best interest.

“I didn’t take you for the traditional type,” I say.

“Diamonds are a girl’s best friend, Mr. Blackwood,” she hums.

I chuckle. “Oh, are they?”

I know she’s messing with me, mainly because she can’t even keep a straight face as she talks. It makes me grin, and I tickle her sides, sending her into a fit of laughter. She tries to bat my hands away, but I pull her into a tight hug, kiss and release her.

Next, I get down on my knee, pulling a little dark-blue box out of my pants pocket, and give her a wink.

Within two seconds flat, she is frozen solid.

Then she blinks.

And blinks again.