“I don’t want to be in danger either. I just want to go back to my life as it was,” Ashley explained.
“Do you?” Catherine pressed. “The way I see it, this whole mess has been awful for everyone to go through, but it brought all my friends and family together. They have found their other halves and themselves in the journey. Plus, it brought our family together.” She put out a hand for Ashley to take.
Ashley squeezed it. “That’s true. I wouldn’t have known about all of you without this and now I have a sister.” She turned watery eyes to Paisley. “And two sisters-in-law.”
“We are glad to have you here, seriously. I hope that when things settle down, you’ll come back for a real visit, Ashley,” Paisley told her.
“You won’t be able to keep me away for long. I’m an aunt. I can’t let Catherine outdo me all the time.”
“Ladies,” came Carter’s voice from the door. “Can I have a moment with Ashley?”
She stood and followed him from the room.
“This is going to be interesting,” Paisley admitted as she looked over at Catherine.
“It will. I hope she keeps us updated.”
Paisley couldn’t help but laugh at her as she took Garrett and headed downstairs. It was going to be a wild few weeks for them.
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Luke had a hard time falling asleep when they all finally went to bed. It was late and he was worried about his sister, Paisley, and Garrett. There was no telling what was going to happen next.
Ashley had just gotten here and now she was leaving first thing. He’d be up to see her off and remind Carter that he needed to keep his hands to himself before they left.
His phone ringing woke him up out of his fitful sleep. “Hello?” he mumbled without looking to see who it was.
“Wake up,” Cade’s voice demanded.
“Who is it?” Paisley whispered next to him.
“It’s Cade,” he answered, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. “What’s wrong?” It couldn’t be good news for him to call this late, or early depending on how you judged 3:00 in the morning.
“It’s about Father,” Cade began.
“I’m putting you on speaker. Paisley’s awake, too.” He hit the button as she sat up next to him, resting her head on his shoulder.
Cade blew out a rough breath. “I got a call from the jail that he had a heart attack and was being taken to the hospital. I am heading up there now.”
Luke took his own deep breath and slowly let it out as he processed the news. “I’ll come too.” He felt like he needed to.
“I thought you might want to. I can swing by and pick you up.”
“Did you tell Catherine?” Luke asked.
“Called her first,” Cade answered.
Luke had assumed that was the way it would go. “Is she coming?”
“No. Ryker talked her out of it. He’s going to stay back with her and Paisley. I think it’s best that Ashley continue on with Carter for now. We know that last time, it didn’t matter what happened to the man and I worry this guy will be the same.”
They still hadn’t located Julian after he disappeared yesterday, not being able to find Ashley. “Okay. Let me get dressed. How far out are you?”
“Like five minutes. Come over to Catherine’s when you’re ready.”
Luke agreed and ended the call.