Page 62 of Luke

“Well, shit,” Cade muttered.

“Guess we have our guy,” Carter said what they were all thinking.

“The question is, what are we going to do with this information,” Luke wondered out loud. “All of it.” With a look letting Carter know the conversation between them was far from over, Luke turned his attention back to Ryker. “How long has he been gone?”

Chapter Twenty-Seven


“Did you tell anyone where you were going?” Cade demanded from Ashley the moment they returned to the room.

“What?” She shook her head, shocked at the heat in his demand. “I didn’t even tell anyone I was leaving, much less where I was going.”

“They can’t find Julian. He went to all your usual places and got agitated that he couldn’t find you and then left,” Carter told her.

“Now what?” Ashley asked.

“You’ll stay here, of course,” Paisley said. “Both of you.”

Luke appreciated she wanted Ashley to stay, but he didn’t really want her to because it would put Garrett and her at risk. But he couldn’t send his sister away either. What a mess.

“No. I think it’s best if we go somewhere else.” This was from Carter. “Maybe somewhere she’s never been that isn’t connected to any of you.”

“Agreed. What do you have in mind?” Ryker asked.

“You know, you’re awfully hands-on for someone that only wanted to back this company. Taking lessons on how to be a silent partner from Evan?” Catherine teased.

“Hush,” Ryker told her, but there was no force in the words.

“I’ve got a friend that has a hunting cabin up in Maine. I can contact him and see if he’s up for letting us use it.” Carter was already pulling out his phone.

“Is this really that necessary? I want to see the babies and play aunt for a bit. Besides, what if it’s not him and we just have to do this again later for the right one? Or what if nothing happens?” Ashley countered. “Carter can stay with me, and I’ll stop getting away from him for a little while, but if nothing happens in the next month, I want to revisit the need for this.”

“Did you not hear that he was agitated? What if this guy comes after you here? With Garrett around?” Carter asked. He wasn’t as frustrated as he had been earlier when talking to her.

“Oh,” Ashley said quietly. “I don’t want to put them in danger, but I still think this is too much.”

“How about this?” Paisley understood Ashley’s hesitations and thought she’d offer a compromise. “How about you go with Carter for two weeks? If nothing is discovered about a threat to you in that time, you come on back home. But, you have to let Carter in and stop running. If something is found, then we can all discuss it again depending on what it is.”

Luke stepped beside her, pressing a kiss on her head. “Thank you,” he whispered.

Ashley looked stressed but she nodded. Carter agreed as well.

“See? That wasn’t so bad.” Paisley pasted a smile on. She knew that this truce was unstable between Ashley and everyone wanting to keep her safe.

“Go make the calls,” Ryker told Carter.

“I’m going to take Ashley up with Garrett and Catherine and just hang out for a bit. I hate that her visit is getting cut short by all this,” Paisley quietly told Luke.

“Thank you. That’s probably for the best right now.” Luke pulled her to him in a quick hug before she walked away.

It was a miserable thought that Ashley couldn’t stay here, but Paisley understood it from everyone’s sides. It was hard to think about any of them being in danger because it distracted her from the fact that it wasn’t over for her, Garrett, and Luke.

There was still a chance that child services could show up again and try to take Garrett away. She knew that they’d get him back, but she’d never forgive herself if something like that happened.

“Do you want to go upstairs for a bit with Garrett and me? I need to get away from all this testosterone,” Paisley asked Ashley.

“I would love to,” she agreed quickly. “I only grew up with one brother, but it seems like today, I inherited a lot more.”