Luke went to her and pulled her into a hug. “I hate that you would even think that, but I know why. I’m not going anywhere and neither is Garrett. I give you my word.” He leaned in and kissed her on top of her head.
Luke grabbed her shoulders and spun her around. “Go.”
Giving in, she sighed and headed for the bathroom. She could ask him questions later. Right now, she’d take advantage of the few minutes he was giving her.
She had no idea how long she was in the bathroom before Luke knocked on the door. The water was lukewarm and she still had a few bubbles from the bubble bath she’d used that Luke had sent the first time he’d had groceries delivered.
“One second,” she called out.
“I just need to know how much he gets in a bottle,” Luke said through the door.
Paisley let the water drain as she stepped out of the tub and quickly dressed. “I’ll be right out.”
“You didn’t have to do that,” Luke said with a sigh.
The second she was decent, she opened the door. Luke was there with Garrett in his arms. She moved to take him but Luke held back.
“Can you show me what to do, please?” Luke asked.
Garrett was only just getting a little fussy but hadn’t gone to a full meltdown yet, so she backed away. It was sweet to watch Luke hold him, but also heartbreaking because she wasn’t all he had anymore.
“Sure.” She cleared the emotions from her throat.
Luke followed her into the kitchen, and she went through the motions of making a bottle and explaining the steps to him. To his credit, he paid attention the entire time with Garrett nestled in his arms.
“Got it.” He nodded. “You can go back to showering. I didn’t mean for you to come out.”
“I know,” she assured him.
The medicine had been delivered and was sitting on the counter. She tore open the package and downed two pills with a glass of water.
“Has his diaper been changed?” she asked Luke.
He froze and looked shocked. “No. Should it be?”
Paisley nodded. “Yes, typically he’s wet when he wakes up.”
“I didn’t know,” he explained. “I’m sorry. We can do it now.”
Her heart warmed at the use of “we,” but she reminded herself he wasn’t here to stay. “It’s okay. If he was too uncomfortable, he would have let you know. We can change him after his bottle.”
He seemed unsure but rested back in the chair with Garrett again. “I’m sorry, Paisley. I just wanted to give you a break.”
“It was appreciated. You didn’t do anything wrong. As I said, if he was too uncomfortable, then he would let us know.” She wasn’t upset with him for that. It wasn’t the end of the world.
“I’m going to stay a while if that’s okay with you. I can’t guarantee there won’t be any drama from my life touching either of you, but I don’t want to leave.” Luke watched her as he spoke.
Shocked, Paisley gripped the counter before she asked, “Stay where?”
“Here? With both of you,” he said.
“Luke, there’s nowhere for you to stay for long.” Her apartment was one small living room, dining room combo, an open kitchen, and a bedroom that was small at best. Well, and a bathroom, but that was hardly living space.
“I can make do.”
She let it drop for now. Garrett finished his bottle, and she showed Luke how to burp him and then change his diaper. He soaked up the knowledge, asking questions and wanting to make sure he did things right. It was touching, and she knew she wouldn’t make him leave just yet.