Page 22 of Luke

Sitting her feet down on the cold tiles, he reached around her and turned on the shower.

“Luke, I can’t.” She held her shirt down.

“Can’t what?” he asked, his brows drawing together as he struggled to understand what she was talking about.

“I-I don’t want to get undressed.” She stared at the floor.

“Why? Is something wrong?” He backed away, giving her space, trying to puzzle out what could possibly be wrong.

“I just,” she started and then took a deep breath. “I have a scar and stretch marks. I don’t look the same.”

Luke’s shoulders sagged in relief. Nothing was wrong. This was just nerves and that he could deal with. She was beautiful and perfect to him, no matter what.

“Paisley.” He cupped her chin, raising it to face him. “You are beautiful. Scars and stretch marks only enhance your beauty. You’re a mom now, and that’s amazing. Nothing can change that.”

A tear slid down her cheek as he spoke.

“Baby, if you aren’t ready, I will walk out of here right now and let you shower alone. I’m not upset over it. I just want you to know that you can believe me.”

He watched the indecision on her face as she stood in front of him and the steam from the shower started to fill up the bathroom. He willed her to understand that he was telling the truth, wanting her to trust him.

Slowly, painfully slowly, she lifted her shirt up and over her head. She dropped it to the floor and looked up at him.

Luke guided her into the shower in front of him with his lips on hers. Exactly as he had thought, no changes in her body had made her any less beautiful to him.

“You’re perfect,” he assured her, breaking the kiss as she tilted her head under the water. “Absolutely perfect.”

She couldn’t hide her blush in here. “I’m not, but I’ll take the compliment.”

“You are,” he repeated. He’d spend the rest of his life making sure that she knew it. More words were on his lips, ready to spill out, but he held them back. It was too soon for those thoughts, much less the words.

They showered together quickly, exploring each other but not repeating what happened on the sofa. He wrapped her in a towel before drying himself off and wrapping it around his waist.

“Thank you,” Paisley said as they stepped out of the bathroom.

“For what?” Luke asked, curious what she meant. If she was thanking him for the sex, they were going to have to talk because that was not okay.

“Making me feel better.” She turned to face him, coming up on her tiptoes and kissing him quickly. “I need to go get some clothes.

“Do you?” he teased.

Garrett’s cries interrupted his chances of cuddling in bed with her.

“Our son demands attention.” She smiled and turned to walk away.

Luke quickly got dressed, beating her to Garrett’s room and picking him up.

“It’s a good thing you’re cute,” he teased the baby. “Let’s get you changed so we can all go downstairs. Then you can convince your mama to move into my room.”

Chapter Ten


Hello, Paisley,

It’s a wonder that we haven’t met since you have apparently been an interest for both of my sons. I’m not sure what you have that attracts them, but I assure you this isn’t going to work.

Let me explain to you what is going to happen. First, you are not going to show this email to anyone. Second, you are going to pack up and move far away from both of my sons. Once you provide proof that you have done so, I will transfer one million dollars to your bank account. That’s a lot of money considering my son has already paid off your debts.