The disappointment was stronger than I expected. But my best friend deserved this. He was a hard worker and made everyone around him better.
They’d be good together.
Yet I couldn’t shake how badly I wanted to be a part of that equation.
“So how long have you been in love with Claire?”
The words had me stumbling over the cobblestone sidewalk of Main Street and Vance moving quickly to take my arm. The alpha gave me a sheepish look but he didn’t let go right away, just gave me a moment until I found my center again.
I was rarely thrown off my game, and let me tell you, I prided myself on having fierce game, but something about Vance had me slightly out of sorts.
While he was hot as fuck and there was no doubt he was an alpha, his physical presence wasn't overwhelming, but the way he paid attention and his genuine curiosity was. The way Claire and I had been his sole focus in the coffee shop had been a heady feeling.
“I’ve known Claire since grade school,” I said, answering his question as we made our way to the cantina just down the way. “I’m pretty sure I’ve always loved her. She’s my best friend and I literally don’t know what I’d do without her.”
The way Vance nudged me with his shoulder as he gave me a knowing look sent a surge of adrenaline down my spine.
“I’m not talking about love in that way and you know it, Romeo.”
Damn it, if this alpha I had just met could see it written all over my face, did everyone know?
It wasn’t until we were seated in a corner booth in the restaurant, chips and salsa and drinks between us, that I realized Vance was still patiently waiting for me.
He didn’t look put off in the slightest, just a curious heartfelt expression in those ocean eyes that made my shoulders finally relax. I should probably worry how quickly he was breaking down my usual defenses but for some reason, I couldn't find it in me to care.
“I didn’t realize it was that obvious,” I said, taking a drink of my beer.
“Maybe not to most, but I make my living on details,” he said, with a tilt of his head. “I’m a writer. Plus, I know what it’s like to be in love with your best friend. I ended up marrying mine.”
My beer sprayed out of my lips and all over him, mortification settling hot and fast into me as I felt my cheeks flush hot.
“Fuck, I’m so sorry!”
“Geez bro, and you wonder why you’re still single,” my sister said, coming quickly back to our table with extra napkins. Apparently this moment could get worse.
“Brother?” Vance asked, picking up one of the napkins and wiping himself down before taking off his glasses and cleaning them on his sweater. He had the most lovely smattering of freckles along the bridge of his nose.
“You didn’t even warn him?” my older sister Maria asked, throwing her hands up in the air. “What am I going to do with you? It’s a good thing you have Claire or you’d end up dying all alone with just your hair products.”
“Stop being a brat or I’ll tell mom exactly where you were on New Years Eve,” I warned, leveling her with my best serious brother look. “Now please get us the special and a number seven before he decides this is an epic failure and walks out on me.”
“It wouldn’t be the first time!” My sister called playfully over her shoulder as she went to place our order.
“Family restaurant?” Vance asked.
“Married?” I countered.
A moment of tense silence stretched between us as we stared at each other, before he took a deep breath and nodded.
“Yes, I am married to my best friend like I mentioned. It’s not something we usually advertise, but I saw a commonality between us and I thought it important to be upfront with you.”
“But you just met me…”
A full grin settled on his face, those damn dimples popping out once again. “Yes, but I’ve seen you around before and…well, I don’t quite know how to say this, but there’s something about you and Claire, whether it’s your delicious scents or the way you gravitate towards each other and the love you radiate, but it just resonates with me. Like you’re both the next chapter in my own novel.”