Page 78 of Our Sadie

The house manager’s sensible heels clack on the surface of the garage floor as she strides down the three concrete stairs. Then, far more swiftly than should’ve been possible, she knocks on the window and presses her face to the glass.

And despite who knows how many people having been privy to every exposed inch of me, the thought of the matronly Maxine eyeing all of us out here together makes my gut twist.

Now what?

TWENTY-SIX: Longevity


I’m not shy by any stretch of the imagination. Also, Maxine the house manager is the same age as many of the former Janes I used to service back in Boston. Yet she’s not a customer or client. She’s the lady who does our laundry, keeps us fed, and looks after all the domestic shit within the house.

Which makes this awkward.

We’ve all gone motionless as if the woman is a T-Rex and can’t see us if we stay still. But with her staring through her cupped hands like she is, I’m pretty sure she’s able to determine plenty. If Maxine didn’t realize what’s been happening with her beloved Sadie up till now, she’s just been handed a really explicit update.

Talk about a rude awakening.

“Max, step back. I’m fine. We’re all fine, but we’d like some privacy, if you don’t mind,” Sadie counters in a tone as stern as the house manager’s.

I expect some blowback. This lady may not be Sadie’s mother, but our client is barely twenty-three years old. I’ve heard of some mothers who baby their kids—particularly their daughters—way past then.

Will Maxine be like that?

The woman straightens as if chastised. “Very well, then.”

After that, she does a brisk about-face and stalks away. I can’t tell if she’s pissed off, embarrassed, or what. But it’s not every day that you find your employer having a full-on orgy in the backseat of her SUV, either.

Hope this doesn’t cause Sadie any trouble.

I peek over at Jerome and frown. Of all of us, he’s the one who stays the most level-headed, but if his eyes were any wider, I swear they’d roll right out of his head. I nudge him with an elbow, and he blinks, looking normal again.


Despite having had an orgasm a minute ago, my shaft is still holding its shape inside Sadie’s perfect little pucker because of the snug confines, but it’s time to disengage.

And the sooner Zach pulls out and Sadie rotates off me, the sooner we can all get decent and face the music, whatever that music might be.