Page 40 of Our Sadie

THIRTEEN: Early to Rise


I’m an early to bed, early to rise type of dude, so I’m not typically up at a quarter to midnight. Yet tonight I am. Since tomorrow is my big date with Sadie, I’m running one last check to make sure everything is ready. That’s when I bump into her and Jerome leaving that mother of a personal library.

“Hey guys,” I greet them, but then pull up short. Even though they’re each wearing jovial expressions, it’s obvious that Sadie’s recently been upset. She has all the signs. Red nose and red-rimmed eyes along with a swollenness to her features in general. My gaze lasers in on her. “Everything all right?”

“Excellent,” she responds, cutting a look at Jerome who smirks back at her.

Yeah, there’s an inside joke there somewhere. None of my business. She doesn’t seem the least bit ill at ease. Honestly, she’s as placid and carefree as I’ve ever seen her. Maybe he had her watch a tear-jerker with him or something. And Jerome has his arm draped over her shoulder, too. They look like an established couple. Like the real thing.

It’s a reminder that my shit has to be en pointe with her.

“Enjoy the rest of your evening, then,” I add at the last minute, just as they hasten their pace away from me.

“Night,” Sadie replies without looking, while Jerome raises his hand in a fleeting wave.

Then, they disappear into the kitchen.

Once done with my task, I troop up to my room and sack out. I rise and shine at the crack of dawn like always even though I didn’t sleep all that well. I have no idea how things went on Dom’s date with Sadie but being witness to the bond that’s forming between her and Jerome let me know that I have to up my game if I want to stay in this thing.

I can’t afford to be left in the dust.

With that in mind, I tweak the activities I have planned so that they all specifically prioritize fun. I want to provide whatever amusement or entertainment I can to her.

Since the other guys and I aren’t sharing notes, I have no idea what they’ve already attempted with her as far as agendas go. I don’t have a roadmap for what to include or to avoid. So, I figure I’ll stick to what I’ve already come up with.

If all else fails, I’ll play it by the seat of my pants. Good thing I’m fast on my feet.

Warming up on the treadmill in the gym by myself, I next head over to the pole in the spa room to maneuver through a workout routine I’ve been developing. I need to expend some of this excess energy before meeting up with Sadie. I shower, have breakfast by myself since no one else is up, and try not to explode with nerves as I wait to give her enough time to wake.

Finally, I text her at 10:30.

Zach: Good morning, lovely. I’d like to begin our date in about an hour, if that’s all right.

She replies right back which relieves me from the burden of possibly disturbing her.

Sadie: Works for me.

Zach: Do me a favor and bring your swimsuit. You’ll need it.

Sadie: Showing your hand a bit, aren’t you?

Damn. Can’t tell if she’s kidding or not.

Zach: It’s okay to show your hand to someone else when you’re on the same team. Besides, I’m thinking you’re gonna have a blast on our date.

Sadie: Based on?

Interest piqued? Check.

Zach: You’ll see.

Sadie: You’re promoting yourself awfully hard. Think you can live up to all this hype?

I snort out loud. She’s such a hard sell. But anxious as I am, I know I can deliver given the opportunity.