Page 56 of Our Sadie

“I’ll do it.”


OVER THE NEXT FOUR days, Sadie’s nearly catatonic. All I can think of is that I need to help her more, but other than remaining within arm’s reach of her, I have no clue what to do. When we bring up clinics or hospitals, she tells us no, and though I wish she’d let us take her, I feel obligated to honor her choice.

The three of us develop this system where one of us sits by Sadie holding her hand, one stays next to her on top of the covers of her bed, and the other sits near her feet on the trunk near her iron footboard. When Maxine takes a shift, she’ll pull one of the chairs over from the seating area.

It’s Friday when the house manager pulls me out of Sadie’s bedroom and into the hall. “I don’t think I should leave,” she confides in me. “What if she’s in need of something?”

It’s Christmas tomorrow, but it doesn’t feel that way. There’s no season’s greetings or holiday spirit anywhere.

“What are you two talking about?” A voice emanates toward us. It’s Sadie’s.

So, Maxine and I coast back over her threshold.

“I told him I’m not certain about going home.”

Sadie sits up. It’s the first time she’s done so other than the rare bathroom break. She’s hardly eaten or taken more than a sip of water. But she seems more self-possessed than she has been.

“Go, Max. I’m fine.” At the house manager’s pursed lips, Sadie amends her statement. “I’ll be fine. The guys are here. They’ll take care of me.”

“Are you certain?” Maxine presses, and Sadie nods, the movement emphatic.

“Yes. You will, won’t you?” she asks us, peeking at me, then Dom at her right side and Jerome at her left. We promptly agree. No way in hell am I abandoning her, and I’m willing to bet every dime Sadie’s paying us that Jerome and Dom feel the same. It’s only after we listen to Maxine collecting her things and departing that she speaks up again. “I’m a little hungry.”

“We can get you something,” Dom volunteers.

“What do you want?” Jerome inquires of her. And that’s how we all have this impromptu breakfast-in-bed scenario—even though it’s six o’clock in the evening—with whatever we can easily scrounge from the kitchen.

After going through a box of toaster strudels, a dozen sausage egg biscuits, and a carton of orange juice, a substantial amount of the color returns to Sadie’s complexion.

This being up at all hours is killing me, and it’s my yawn that has Sadie lacing her fingers through mine. “I’ve enjoyed you all being here with me. Will you do me a favor?”

“Anything,” I tell her. Like I’d deny her a single thing. I’ve been so worried about her—all of us have—that she basically has me tied up in a big boxy square-knot.

“There’s an extra king-sized bed down the hall on the right, in that last room. If you guys bring it in, we can push it up beside mine. You can all sleep with me.”

My cock kicks at that, which is exasperating. I’m sure she means go all unconscious rather than fucking. Don’t think she’s up for any of the latter. Not sure if she’ll ever want that from us again.

With some manhandling, the three of us maneuver the extra bed into place. Now that we’ve doubled the horizontal space, there’s plenty of room for all of us to pile in and nap with Sadie at her leisure. After taking turns heading to our rooms, we each change into soft pants and t-shirts and turn in for the evening. I’m so tired that my eyes are closing of their own accord.

At least until Sadie crawls on her knees over to Jerome on the freshly attached bed and kisses the holy hell out of him, running her hand over his pecs for good measure. That gets me more alert, and curiously, I watch as she reiterates this with Dom. I’m awaiting my turn, and she doesn’t disappoint. My cock pistons up like a buoy submerged just beneath the surface of a lake, but I try to ignore it.

I can’t assume that’s what she wants.

Yet that’s when she shoves her nightgown over her head.

“It’s been a tough few days,” she remarks, and I force myself to keep my eyes locked on hers.

“I know,” I say.

“I could really use some relief.” Sadie gives a onceover not only to me, but to Jerome and Dom, as well. “From all of you. Will you do that for me?”

“Of course,” we each tell her within seconds of one another.

She plummets back into her mattress, the motion making her breasts bounce, and fuck, it’s been a while. But this is for her, and only for her.

So, I spread her legs, kneel between them, and begin.