There aren’t that many buyers in the world. The European ones are especially finicky. They know the consequences of being disloyal to my family only too well, ironically thanks to my own doing. For years, I was the one who doled out the lessons. I have no doubt that my brother has something to do with their reluctance in supporting my business even though they need the stones. Ours are conflict free and the quality is much higher than any other on the market. Plus, Hart has recently extended to add black diamonds to his inventory, a craze that has hit the world by storm. For those who can’t afford a highly graded diamond, a black diamond is the perfect alternative. It makes diamonds accessible to a broader market. Thanks to Hart, I’m the exclusive importer of black diamonds to Europe. Yet the buyers are not biting. If I don’t manage to win them over soon, the business is in serious trouble. I’ll be going down, and I’ll be damned before I take Zoe with me.

Pushing my concerns aside, I survey the street once more before going down to the parking for my car. The traffic is already heavy despite the early hour. I don’t get to the office before nine. When I enter the underground parking, my shoulders draw tight with tension. A black Mercedes is parked next to my regular spot. The windows are tinted, but I don’t need to see inside. I know to who it belongs. Drawing my gun out from under my seat, I keep it ready on my lap before I pull in next to the Mercedes and cut the engine. When the driver gets out of the Mercedes and opens the passenger door, I tuck the gun into my waistband before getting out, but I don’t slide into the passenger seat as per the silent instruction. I cross my arms and lean against my car.

After a short wait, the backdoor on the other side of the Mercedes opens. My father groans as he folds his body double. He straightens with a flinch. He’s put on weight. The trench coat doesn’t hide his bigger stomach. His face looks older, his bad eye sagging more in its socket and deeper lines running over his forehead. Through the open door, I glimpse a young woman with red hair and big tits. The dress shows off more skin than a stripper’s uniform at the club. My father hasn’t waited very long to replace my mother, not that I care. Catching my look, she averts her eyes and pulls the sides of her fur coat together to cover her cleavage.

“Max,” my father says in greeting.

I turn my attention back to him. “Why are you here?”

He gives a humorless smile. “No cutting corners, I see.”

“Since I’m dead to you, there’s no point in wasting time with politeness.”

“You’re right.” He squints at me. “I hear your business isn’t doing well.”

I laugh. “Spying on me? Are you afraid?”

He shrugs. “I hear things.”

“Things.” I straighten. “Is there a point to this conversation?”

“You need our old clients or you’re going under.”

I clench my jaw. “They need me too.”

“They’re buying from De Beers and Anglo. They don’t need you.”

“De Beers and Anglo don’t have the stones I have.”

“Yeah.” He leans an arm on the door to support his weight. “I heard black diamonds are the latest rage.”

So, the old man is keeping up with the business. “Get to the point.”

“Cut Alexis in.”

This time, my laugh is harsh. “Not a chance.”

“If the two of you work together, the old clients will return. They’re divided, uncertain where their loyalty should lie.”

“Then tell them they have nothing to worry about.”

He doesn’t respond to my challenge. Alexis is deliberately letting them stew in concern to ensure I don’t get buyers, but it seems my father’s reluctance to set things straight is also born from another interest. He’s not only set on destroying me, but also winning financial gain in the process.

“I thought so,” I say, pushing away from the car.

“Wait.” My father’s voice rings out in the empty garage. “Alexis is making mistakes. Leonardo isn’t happy with the way he’s dealing with the business. Alexis needs a guiding hand.”

From the way he almost chokes on the words, I know how hard this is for him to ask. “Why would I do that?” I ask with scorn.

He raises his palms. “Alexis is your brother.”

“Was my brother.”

His face grows red. “You owe me. I raised you.” He stabs a finger in my direction. “Everything you have is because of me.”

I advance until we’re standing nose to nose. “Everything I had, I worked for. I gave it all to Alexis. That makes us even. We cut the ties. You made your decision as I made mine. You’re nothing to me. Now get out of my way before I make you.”