Page 6 of My Demon Charming

Your purpose is one and that’s to protect me.”

Goosebumps form on my arms and travel to my neck like hardworking ants. I feel their effect from the crown of my head to my curled toes.

This feels right. This feels legit. Please be legit.

I turn the page with a trembling hand and read the next step.

The blood sacrifice.

I’m used to those. I don’t even flinch when I pick up the knife and cut my palm. They’ve been cutting me for so long that this feels like nothing.

The sharpness of the cut guides my hand to the middle of the circle and makes my eyelids heavy as I squeeze it and let my blood paint the chalk red.

The more I pour, the more grounded I feel. The more determined.

“Please work. Please,” I mutter, pulling my hand back and watching the middle of the circle. “Come on.”

Nothing happens.

“Fuck,” I sigh.

This had all the components for a successful incantation. I’m sure of it. But…it didn’t work.

The rumors must have been just that then. Demons aren’t walking among us. They can’t be summoned or controlled.

“Fuck!” I scream this time.

This was my last hope. My last resort.

I throw one last look at the circle before I get off the floor to run my hand under the tap.

What a fucking joke.

Of course it didn’t work.

Demons aren’t real. Why would it work?


I run back into the room and reread the instructions in the notebook.

“Oh crap.”

I thought maybe I missed a step. Made a mistake. But no. I’ve done everything by the book.

I throw said book across the room with a huff and bury my face in my bed.

I wait for the thump of the notebook landing anywhere in the room, but it never comes.

When I look up, I see why.

A dark figure stands in the middle of the attic with the book in his hands.

My heart jumps in my chest as if it wants to rip out of it and my breathing seizes.

I look up at the man.

The epitome of tall, dark, and handsome stands in the middle of the chalk circle. He has jet-black hair, tanned skin, and brown eyes behind a pair of glasses. And he’s wearing a three-piece suit.