“I haven’t seen him since this morning.”
“Well, I hope he’s okay. We’ve only got a few games left, and there’s no telling if the scouts will be back.”
Sam jogged into the outfield while I stood confused. Crew was fine this morning. What happened between then and now that would keep him from playing in front of the scouts who were there for him?
I pulled out my phone and texted him as I walked back to Gina. Where r u?
“What’d Sam say?” she asked.
“Crew’s not here,” I explained.
“Where is he?”
“I have no idea. Sam said he’s sick, but he wasn’t at home. I went in his room.”
“Do you think he went to his mom’s hotel?” Gina asked.
“I just texted him. He hasn’t responded.”
“Call him,” she urged.
I did. But my call went straight to voicemail. “Crew, it’s me. Call me when you get this.”
“This is weird,” Gina said.
I stood up. “Can I have your keys?”
“Where are you gonna go?” she asked as she handed me her keys.
“I need to check the pool house.”
She nodded. “Call me when you find him.”
I jogged away from the field, passing groups of people walking in the direction of the field. I stepped into the parking lot and hurried to Gina’s car, pulling open the door and getting in.
I noticed a piece of paper on the passenger seat. I snatched it up.
I’m sorry.
I flipped the paper over, but nothing was written on the other side. I’d sat in that seat on the way to the field and that paper wasn’t there. Had Crew shown up? Had he left this without playing in one of the most important games of his life? But why? And, what was he sorry about?
I was completely lost.
I tried his phone again. When his voicemail picked up, I began to speak. “Crew, it’s me again. I’m worried. I’m at your game, and you’re obviously not here. Sam said you’re sick, but you were fine this morning. Does this have to do with what happened with your mom? Did she want you away from me after the way I treated her? Was it my father? Did he give you trouble?” I looked at the note in my hand. “And what’s with this note? I’m really hoping it's not from you because that would mean you came by the field but didn’t stay. What would make you not show up for a game? A game that had scouts wanting to see you play. You’re the MVP. Your teammates need you…I need you.” My eyes glazed with tears, so I ended the call and tossed my phone onto the passenger seat.
I started the engine and sped out of the parking lot. I was home in minutes. I hurried around to the patio and rushed to the pool house. I threw open the door only to find it empty. Dammit. I jogged into the house and climbed the stairs to the second floor. I opened my bedroom door. Everything looked like it should.
I looked to his dresser. The one I’d gotten his jersey from an hour before. I grasped the handle on the top drawer. I pulled it open. It was empty. My heartbeat began to hasten. I tried the middle. It was empty. A sinking feeling filled my stomach. I tried the bottom. It was empty. Sweat beaded on my forehead.
I moved into the bathroom and pulled open the shower. His shampoo, body wash, and razor were gone.
I dropped to the floor and buried my face in my knees.
He said I could trust him.