He cocked his head, likely realizing I was never going to concede that easily—even if I wanted to. “Well, what’s a guy have to do to get you to agree to it?”
“Well…you said you’ve never had a serious girlfriend before.”
“I haven’t.”
“What makes you think you’re ready for one now?”
He smirked. “Seriously?”
I nodded. “What changed your mind?”
“That’s easy. You.”
I stifled a smile. Oh, he was good.
“So?” he prompted.
“So…what’s the surprise you’ve got?” I asked, changing the subject.
He shook his head. He had to know I was never going to say yes. But, I also didn’t say no. “Not now. Later.”
I rolled my eyes. He was such a guy.
“No. Not that,” he laughed, realizing what I thought he meant. “Although, I wouldn’t be opposed if you had your way with me later.”
I glanced around, making sure no one else was in the shop.
He laughed. “Relax. We’re alone.”
“Don’t you need to leave for your game?” I asked, checking the time on my phone.
“Trying to get rid of me?” He leaned across the counter. “Because—”
“Don’t even say there are other girls who would be happy to take my place,” I said.
His brows furrowed. “I was gonna say, ‘Because I won’t let you.’ But now that you mention it—”
I grabbed the front of his shirt. “You saw what I did to that chair.”
“I love it when you talk dirty to me.”
I shook my head and released his shirt.
He laughed. “All right. I’m going. See you at my game.” With that, he left the store. But half an hour later, he texted me asking me to stop by the house on the way to his game to grab his ball cap that he’d left on the balcony.
Once my boss came in and relieved me, I stopped at the house and ran upstairs. I had a little time, so I quickly changed into a Sharks T-shirt and cutoffs in the guest room then headed to my room to grab his ball cap. I moved to the closed French doors and threw them open. I froze. A new Adirondack chair sat there. A wooden sign hung on it: Peyton’s Chair. Small writing beneath it read: All others will be “thrown” out.
I closed my eyes and shook my head. This was my surprise? As corny as it was, I appreciated the gesture. Not to mention the nod to my reaction. I laughed as I sat down in it, taking a quick selfie. I sent it off to Crew with a kissy face emoji. God. I was becoming Gina.
Crew: Do you like it?
Me: Love it.
Crew: Want to erase some bad memories in it?
Me: Nope.
He responded with a sad face.