Crew pressed his palms into his eyes. “He has never once caught us in bed together inside the house. Why would he find us out here?”

“I don’t know,” I said, knowing I was overreacting because I was embarrassed—and nervous that our one night was over, despite his reassurances last night.

“And do you actually care what he thinks?” Crew asked, slipping on his bathing trunks and standing up.

I paused. “No.”

He moved closer to me and wrapped his arms around my hips. “Then, what are we doing up?”

I laughed uncomfortably, finding it difficult to maintain eye contact. Last night in the dark after some drinks it seemed like a good idea. But, now, in broad daylight, I wondered if we’d made a colossal mistake.

“You’re not regretting last night are you?”

“Why would I regret it?” I asked, hating that he always seemed to be able to read my thoughts.

He shrugged. “Just making sure.”

“Do you plan on avoiding me?”

He scrunched his nose. “Why would I do that?”

“Keeping up your reputation.”

His brows lifted. “My reputation?”

I nodded. “Your one-night stand reputation.”

He lifted me off my feet and I yelped. “I guess not since I’m keeping you locked in here all day with me.”

“I have to work,” I laughed as he sat down on the sofa with me now straddling his lap.


I nodded, not wanting to explain he was part of the reason I’d gotten the job in the first place.

“We have less than a month left here, and you seriously plan to work?” he asked.

Ripples rolled through my belly. Had everything he said last night not just been lines to get me naked?

“Fine,” he sighed. “But, I want all of your free time.”

I tried to stifle a smile but the damn thing sprang free.

“Will you at least be at my games?” he asked, watching my eyes closely for the truth.

“Will you be hitting me any more homers?”

A smooth smile swept across his lips. “Maybe.”

“How many times have you pulled something like that?”

“Something like what?”

“Calling your home run for a girl’s sake.”

“Just once,” he explained.

I rolled my eyes.