“I don’t wanna give my boss any reason to fire me on my first day,” I whispered.

Gina held up her hands. “I get it. Are you coming to the game tonight? It’s an away game, so we have to leave early.”


“Come on,” she pleaded. “Don’t make me go alone.”

“You can sit with the Delaney’s,” I offered.

“Come to the game. We can sit away from the field and wear disguises if you want. I just need to be there for Cody.”


“Yeah, remember that summer we wore wigs?” she asked.

“We were six.”

“Come on. It’ll be fun.”

I considered her offer. It could be fun to let loose as someone else. “I’ll think about it.”

She screeched, causing everyone including my boss to look over.

“You need to go,” I urged.

“Going,” she said loudly, so everyone in the shop could hear. “Pick you up at four.”


“I’ll bring the wigs.” She laughed as she hurried out of the shop.


I caught my reflection in the passenger window as I stepped out of Gina’s car. I was unrecognizable in my pink wig with sharp bangs.

“Ready?” Gina asked, stepping out of the car in her long blonde wig, a Sharks T-shirt, and cutoffs.

“I never thought I’d see the day when your sundress was replaced by cutoffs and a T-shirt.”

We found a spot in the right field bleachers near a team of little league baseball players who were shouting at the players on the field to give them a ball. To survive the game, I’d brought a cocktail in a large tumbler and was having more fun than I expected. It was freeing to be someone else.

“Do you think Cody recognized you yet?” I asked Gina in the bottom of the second.

She shook her head. “He’s not even looking out here.”

“Well, you told him you’d be here. So, he knows you’re here somewhere.”

“I might go say hi during the seventh inning stretch,” she said.

“Wig and all?” I asked.

“Who knows. He might like me as a blonde.”

I laughed and took a sip of my drink. “He’d like you with any color hair. The guy spends every free minute with you.”

She blushed, and I knew she needed to hear that—even though it was blatantly obvious to anyone who saw the two of them together. “So, you never told me what happened last night with you and Crew,” she said, swiftly changing the subject.

“And here I was thinking that you hadn’t brought it up on the drive here, so maybe you’d forgotten.”