“Are you kidding? Do you know how many of Cody’s teammates want to tame the angry Peyton?”

I cocked my head. “What?”

“Yeah. Cody told me.”

“They were talking about me?” I asked, unable to believe my ears. Was I the laughing stock of the team? Had they taken wagers on who could get with me? No. Fucking. Way.

“What’s wrong?” Gina asked, noting the vacant look on my face.

I shook my head as my heart drummed faster and a cold chill rushed over my body. “Nothing.”

She smiled and I could see she had no idea what she’d done by telling me that.

“I’ll be right back,” I said as I rushed out of her room and into the bathroom. I closed the door, and with my back to it, I slipped down to the floor.

Had I really been a bet?

Was that why Crew paid for breakfast? Why he was all you’re as pretty as your necklace?

I would not cry.

I would not give into the overwhelming feeling of dread taking over my body. I would not give in to the feeling of my world being out of my control.

I was in control.

I pulled in a deep breath, releasing it slowly despite the imaginary weight pressing against my chest. I was stronger than this.

Gina knocked on the door. “Peyton? Are you all right?”

“I just need a minute.”

“Did I say something to upset you?” she asked.

“No,” I lied. “I just need a few more minutes.”

An hour later, I’d battled the panic attack and won. My fitted navy dress stopped midthigh and my nude heels made me inches taller. My makeup was flawless and contoured in all the right places. Gina had curled my hair into beachy waves and I was ready to get this night over with.

I took in Gina in her red dress, whistling a long-drawn-out whistle. “Cody is going to fall over when he sees you.”

“And, every guy in that banquet hall is gonna fall over when they see you,” she assured me.

There was only one player I hoped fell over. It’d be easier to stomp on him that way. “Let’s do this.”

Our Uber drove us to the beachside banquet hall in the next town. My heartbeat began to hasten as the driver stopped in front of the massive one-story structure. I opened the car door and stepped out. Gina followed me as we made our way to the entrance. A couple ball players in suits and ties opened the door, their eyes drifting over us in quiet approval. Normally, I would have spewed a snarky comment, but I wasn’t about to give them anything else to talk about.

We snaked our way through the crowded lobby, past the gift basket raffle. Two ball players sat behind the table, their eyes following us as we passed by without stopping to buy tickets. We headed toward the music and into the large banquet hall. The room was filled with at least twenty large round tables—ten on either side of the dance floor.

Heads turned when we entered. I spotted Crew talking to a teammate until he noticed me. His eyes widened and a slow smile crept across his lips.

I averted my gaze and sought out Sam. He too was looking my way.

“You go find Cody. I’m gonna say hi to Sam,” I said to Gina before marching over to Sam. His smile grew as I moved toward him, clearly surprised I was heading in his direction.

“Wow,” he said, his eyes moving over my dress.

I grabbed his hand. “Can we talk?”

His eyes shot to my hand in his. “Sure.”