He laughed then tossed an underhand pitch right over the plate. I let it go by.

“You’re supposed to swing,” he called as the ball bounced to the backstop.

“I didn’t like the pitch.”

“It was a perfect pitch,” he argued.

“Well, I didn’t like it.”

He laughed as I ran to the backstop and retrieved the ball, tossing it back to him. “You ready?” he asked again.

I stepped up to the plate and got back into my batting stance. “Yup.”

He again tossed an underhand pitch right over the plate.

I swung the bat, connecting with the ball and hitting it over his head into the outfield. He twisted around and watched it land between centerfield and right field. I dropped the bat and ran toward first base.

“You’re a fucking ringer?”

I laughed as I rounded first base. “You just gonna stand there?” I called as I continued running toward second base. “Because you should probably go get the ball if you don’t want me to have an in-the-park-home-run.”

He began jogging, but instead of running toward the ball, he ran toward me rounding second. I squealed as he grabbed me around the waist and lifted me right off my feet, tossing me over his shoulder. My laughter filled the air.

“I can’t believe you can play.”

“Did you bring me out here hoping I couldn’t?”

“I thought I could teach you a thing or two.”

“Such a show off.”

He placed me back down on my feet. “I should’ve known.”

“I played softball until college. Have I never mentioned that?” I asked innocently.

“Um, I think you neglected to mention that.”

“Well, I can pretend I don’t know how to play.”

“Nah. I wanna see what else you can do.”

“It’s still a fair ball, right?”

“You clearly know it is,” he said.

I turned away from him and took off for third base so I could finish my home run trot.

“What the hell!” he called as he finally took off after the ball.


Gina and I waited in the field parking lot after the Sharks’ five to one Saturday afternoon victory. I couldn’t help noting a group of girls standing by the exit giggling when the players passed by. I tried to keep my look of disgust to a minimum, but the struggle was real.

Cody walked into the parking lot and Gina ran into his arms.

“Great game!” she said.

He laughed. “I need your enthusiasm tomorrow night. Scouts are gonna be here.” He looked to me. “Rumor is they’re coming to see Crew, but it couldn’t hurt to play my best while they’re here.”