“Have you ever had a serious girlfriend?”
“Well, just having a girlfriend doesn’t mean the temptation isn’t there. You could easily stray. Groupies can be persuasive.”
He shook his head. “I’m not that guy.”
“I didn’t think my dad was that guy either. He was the man I trusted most in this world. And look how that turned out. I won’t let that happen to me.” I looked out at the crashing waves, suddenly feeling way too vulnerable.
“Did your panic attacks start after you found out about your dad?”
“That day.”
“Is that why you went away this summer? So you didn’t have to come back here?” he asked.
I glanced to him. “Am I that transparent?”
He shook his head. “I think you’re that smart.”
“You’re such a liar.”
He smiled, knowing I thought everything out of his mouth was a line. “Seriously though, why don’t you go with your mom? She’s in Alabama, right?”
I nodded. “She wanted me and my father to work things out.”
“Is that what you want?”
“Hell no.”
“Then why not go now?”
Did I tell him that I was beginning to believe that him sleeping in my bed was one of the only things keeping the nightmares at bay? “Are you trying to get rid of me?”
“Who would I sleep with at night if you’re gone?”
I cocked my head. “I’m sure you’d find plenty of girls who’d like the spot.”
“Too bad the one who’s got it doesn’t want it,” he said.
He was good. I could totally see how girls would eat up his lines. “Hey, I haven’t congratulated you on your award yet.”
He shrugged.
“You should feel honored. A lot of MVP winners have gone onto the majors,” I explained.
“That’s the plan…But, I almost didn’t even play here this summer,” he said.
“I kind of wanted the summer off seeing as though if I get drafted, I won’t have one off again until I retire.”
“What changed your mind?”
“My mom pushed me to play. She always says a missed opportunity is a missed journey.”
“She sounds like a smart woman.”
He shrugged. “It’s been just me and her my whole life. So, she always wants me to be my best and reach for the unattainable.”